Online Biblical Training

My name is Narciso A. San Miguel, and I am excited about free online Biblical training at the Christian Leaders Institute. I grew up with eight siblings, and I’m the sixth child in the family. My father, now deceased, worked as a construction worker. My mother raised money for the family by accepting laundry chores from other families in our community. When I came to this world on March 25, 1965, it was an added challenge for our growing family. Life, where I was born in the Philippines in the rural Barangay in Alijis in the City of Bacolod, was very hard. Everything was scarce.

My mother was a devout Roman Catholic believer, and my father was a non-practicing Roman Catholic. It was our mother who influenced us to attend Sunday masses, if possible. Although it was hard for our parents to send us to school, they wanted everyone to finish our school and get our college degree.

My Youth Experience of Church and Christ

There was a neighbor in our community who opened their house for a Daily Vacation Bible School outreach of the Bacolod Evangelical Church in the City. I attended this one-week program, and it was then that I knew that there was a Christian Church in our Community called Alijis Christian Church. It was from this church that I was able to make friends. So I started attending Sunday Services whenever I could.

In the summer of 1980, some of the church’s young people invited me to attend a Summer Camp. At this camp, I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. Because of my parents’ religious affiliation, they were against me attending these Christian church activities, especially my father. So, I had to find ways to secretly attend the church and join a singing group of young people. I was not water baptized during this period because I was afraid of the repercussions.

In the second year of college, I was looking for a scholarship to finish my Civil Engineering course. I auditioned to join the College Glee Club, and I was able to get a scholarship. Because of my exposure to our church’s singing group, I was able to learn how to sing. When I graduated from college, it was then that I decided to follow Jesus in water baptism. I said to myself, now that I finished my study, it doesn’t matter if my parents get angry with me because of my baptism.

My Wife and Family

Today, my wife and I are still in a singing ministry. We are part of the singing group called The Pillars Of Fire. We do evangelistic concerts all over the country as the opportunity warrants. I’ve been in this group for 31 years now. Actually, I met my wife, Christine, in this group 28 years ago.

The Lord blessed us with four children. Our 27-year-old eldest daughter, Lin-ay, is one of the Worship Leaders in our Bacolod City Alliance Church. Our 23-year-old son, Miggs, is the drummer of the Worship Team. Then, our 20-year-old daughter is also part of the worship team as a back-up singer. And our youngest, a 13-year-old boy, Y’Ho, is an alternate drummer for his big brother.


I served as an elder in our church for a long period of time. When the Corona Virus Pandemic hit last March 2020, our church was affected. It immediately went into quarantine, and we closed it. It really saddened my heart to see our churches closed on Sundays. There were so many questions running in my mind. I looked for leaders and pastors who would stand by what they were preaching. In my personal thought, it should at this time that we, as leaders, had an opportunity to manifest our faith and put our preaching and principles into action. However, we surrendered to the enemy in fear by closing our churches.

Called to Online Biblical Training at CLI

It was at this time that I wanted to strengthen my spiritual footing. I looked for someone or an institution from which I could receive training in a Biblical, systematic way. (Learn more about Studying the Bible, Click Here)  So, I praise God for leading me to the Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) for free online Biblical training. I really need to be competent and confident when it comes to leading.

My spiritual dream is to have a Center for Pastors and leaders in our community. There they will receive training and equipping for the challenging times that the Church faces. By enrolling at CLI, I believe that my spiritual knowledge, commitment, and experience will be reinforced. Also, there is an opportunity for me to know who the leaders are within the CLI community near my area. I can network with them and work on fulfilling my spiritual dream.

Thank you very much, CLI, and I pray that I will have a fruitful journey with you! God bless us!


Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

1 reply
  1. Billy Joubert
    Billy Joubert says:

    I’m from South Africa. I am currently working in Restorative, Victims Offender Dialogue and Victim Offender Mediation. Do you currently have any curriculum in this regard?

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