Ministry Training Pathway

Free Ministry Training Pathway at CLI

My name is Oyelade Oyeyemi, and I am thankful to be on the ministry training pathway at CLI. I was born into a family with a Christian father and a non-Christian mother in Lagos State, Nigeria. My birth and the challenges around raising me led my mother to get converted fully as a Christian. She needed a Saviour to protect herself and her son from evil. God used these things to get her to God’s destination.

Growing up in a Christian home made it easy for me to know my Creator from a young age. I was baptized at the age of 14 and christened as Matthew. The truth of the Lord and His word was so exciting to me. I became the best memorizer of Scripture verses in my church as I grew into a teenager.

My Ministry Dream and the Ministry Training Pathway at CLI

In 2011, I had a dream where God showed me to study His Word always. So, I attended church and the fellowship, but that was all I did at first. I did not understand what God was planning and where I was going. Then, I became a teacher to some of the youth and the choir. Suddenly, other members of these groups came to me for advice.

As I grew older and became a parent, the challenges of life pushed me to pray and study the word of God. While at this, my dream became more prophetic than before to me. Some years back, God called me to become a minister of the Word. Later, I received the ministry, First Happy and Moral Homes. We take care of homes, build them, and more to the glory of God. We have done several seminars for the glory of God.

I discovered Christian Leaders Institute while searching for a way to get more insight on God’s pathway for my life. Indeed, CLI has been excellent, enjoyable, and based on the Word of God. I wish other ministers would partake in this well-tailored ministry training program. I am grateful and happy to be a CLI student. God bless you all!

Learn about ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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