Ministry Calling Dream

Ministry Calling Dream

My name is Leonette Saayman and I have a ministry calling dream to bring God’s word to the people. I live on the South-Coast of South Africa. Probably the most beautiful part of the country. I am married to the most amazing man God chose for me and we have two brilliant teenage boys.

I grew up in a Christian”religious” home with battles to fight daily. My mother and stepfather went to church on a monthly basis, but I would walk to church if it was possible. We moved around a lot so at times it wasn’t possible to get to church, but my Bible study was important to me. In grade 11, I volunteered in the grade 2 Sunday School class. Wow, what a journey! They had me caught up in their little busy hands! It was a real wake-up call to me!

Ever since I have had a ministry calling dream to teach the word of God to the ones in need of knowledge, however, my self-esteem got the better of me. I always looked at my disadvantages from a point of not-good-enough. I first had to find out exactly what God saw in me. It was a life’s journey… the opportunities never arose and I gave up on that dream.

About 9 years ago, my husband and I joined the local church in the new town where God purposely moved us. It was a new experience with praise and worship, praying in heavenly languages, baptism, and everything that goes with it. It was a revival of my spirit. Then at my first home cell meeting, an elder of the church prophesied over me from an open Bible, even knowing that I am shy, that I will bring the Word of God to people.

Now that was unexpected but turned my vision back to my ministry calling dream where it was previously. The church we attend is so amazing and supportive, with good values and solid doctrine. Our pastor is a man that leads and guides God’s sheep, a faithful shepherd and God-fearing man, who gives good advice and support and sets a true example. We have grown through the word of God and have volunteered wherever we could.

We (my husband and I) are fully devoted to our church as elders. Our sons are honoring God for the calling He has on their young lives, and they attend a brilliant school away from home in a boarding establishment in Durban on the north coast. We support each other the best we can, and are always connected in Christ and our precious Holy Spirit. Due to the school fees and expenses, we chose to lay a firm foundation for our boys and their future. I am a florist and my husband is in construction, and the funds first are for them right now. So we will proceed with our calling once they’re settled.

Now, we praise God for the opportunity at Christian Leaders Institute, to make God’s perfect will come to pass and to see His plans and purposes for our ministry calling dream in our lives. This causes us to study and grow into the very persons God intended us to become. With no parents alive anymore to support us, except for a mother-in-law, there would not be a possibility to study to grow as God’s disciples as He intended. CLI made this possible and we give God all glory and honor. We pray daily for CLI and the people that make this free ministry training possible. I experience God’s divine direction in my life and His glory every day as I grow in knowledge and in His Word.
Thank you, CLI, for being the vessels of God, to enable me to carry the correct information and knowledge of love and grace to others in my season.

Learn about minister ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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