Minister Training Call

Minister Training Call

My name is Dora Lou Vanscoy and I have a minister training call. I am from the state of Arkansas in the United States of America. I came to know the Lord after a turbulent childhood and dabbling in the wrong side. I was invited to a Christian concert at a church a friend attended. I was sitting on the floor and felt someone push me. I looked around and there was no one there. It happened again and I realized it was the Holy Spirit. So, I went to the altar call and gave my life. I would like to say I was faithful. But I was not decided and did not have a clue how to live. For many years, it was up and down, but He never left me and now I am at a point where I have a very intimate relationship with Him.

My ministry dream is to ensure others are discipled and not left to fend for themselves. I also have a heart for children, to show them Jesus and simply love them. This class at Christian Leaders Institute is renewing my desire to be part of a ministry team. I believe I identify more with an evangelist.

I would have to say the key experience prompting me into ministry would be the fact that I was not discipled and I believe if someone had taken time to show me the ropes, I would not have stumbled in my walk so much.

The unique challenges that I have to face are that so many people call themselves Christians but it is just a word to them. They do not know Jesus personally. My local church is all for discipling people and growing people so we can bring more into the fellowship. My family has pretty well been non-existent in my life, except for my Christian family, and they are very supportive. We as a whole, encourage and motivate each other to do all God would have us do.

This scholarship at CLI is important to my ministry dream because I know I could not afford to go to college. This is a huge blessing for me.

Learn about local ecuministry ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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