minister training and ordination

A Calling to Serve

Hello, my name is Christopher Nicholson. However, I use the name, Finn Steinway. This developed over the years from a pen name to my walk with God. I am from upstate New York in the United States. After moving to New England, I have been in Florida for the last six years. My study at CLI began in February of 2024, and I have taken five classes toward being an Ordained Minister. The Christian Leaders Institute opened the world of sound Biblical doctrine to me. Further, the many other classes available rounded out the excellent minister training and ordination process. The classes have been challenging but with focus, they are fair in their testing.

My Story

My childhood included being part of a large family of eight. Baptized as a baby, I grew up in the Catholic denomination. In addition to weekly mass and catechism, I made my confirmation in eleventh grade. However, it was not until I moved to Florida in 2018, 55 years after my baptism, that I began a real relationship with Jesus.

I struggled after a life of broken relationships and losing control with alcohol. God finally said, “Chose alcohol or Me.” I chose Him. I had my plan, and God had His. So, I sold my golf clubs, and stopped fishing. I let the Holy Spirit start making changes, which included family and friend connections. Further, I told everyone I was available for one on one calls. However, I wanted no more text threads with my phone going off all day long with nonsense. There were no more social media accounts outside of a business connection, LinkedIn. Outside of my full-time work from home, my commitment is to the Lord and His Mission for me. It is a Ministry where I have served others for over three years.

My Spiritual Dream

My spiritual dream includes walking with the Lord in His Kingdom by walking with the Lord in this Kingdom. To live is Christ and to die is gain. That means I am not in my own world but aware of others who are struggling in this broken world. Offering something for today and something for life. My walk is to be reflective of His walk.

Obstacles faced during the time before I was born again include a fear of what life will be like if I let go and let God. I had my plan. What will God want of me? Once these fears calmed over the years, there are still the obstacles of changed relationships with family and friends. They liked the sarcastic, funny, drinking, golfing, fishing, travel to a gathering brother and friend, which all changed. It is quite a change but well worth it. I lean on my trust in the Lord and where He guides me. It is the key to moving through these times. I patiently explain my love for the Lord and help them if they wish to lead a Spirit led life. In essence, to get over their fear of letting go, and letting God.

New Life in Jesus

God humbled me when He no longer allowed me to continue with the sin of drinking. Failed relationships were not enough to get my attention. While having one or two drinks is fine in social occasions, drinking all day at the lake while fishing, or all afternoon and evening while playing golf and then next to a pool, is not fine. It clouds the mind. Then we act poorly in front of the Lord and each other.

Since all gatherings these last decades had alcohol available, the ‘glue’ was applied many times over the years. It needed to end, and I needed to end it. I did not want a tragedy to occur to make a change. I trusted the Lord to walk me through it. I am so thankful for the gift of not drinking these many years. My relationship with God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit is strong and gaining strength with a daily walk with the Lord. I don’t just have religion, I have a relationship with Jesus that I will never walk away from or He from me.

God was always real to me since my baptism in the Catholic church and the teachings in Mass. However, it was April of 2019 when I truly surrendered to Jesus. That is when I was born again and proclaimed Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

Minister Training and Ordination Options at CLI

My minister training and ordination at the Christian Leaders Institute, through the Christian Leaders Alliance, to become an Ordained Minister, is for my current ministry in the Kingdom on my motorcycle and in the car. I search for and help lost souls that the Lord puts in my path to share His help. I also have a vision of performing baptisms after sunrise at the next Daytona Bike Week rally in 2025.

The minister training and ordination credential help me to explain my Ministry to others and let them know the level of my commitment to Jesus. The other aspect my training and ordination help is the next novel I write. The main character, Christian O’Donnell, finally, after years of brokenness, will find his walk with God. It will show how that changes everything, including the places that once brought evil for him and now bring joy and salvation.

The website BOSSyourGoal (Bible Objective Study Service your Global Objective Act Local) will share sound Christian Biblical Doctrine that highlights my training at CLI and other areas that give me credentials to be a Christian Leader.

Blessed by CLI and Ready to Serve

I looked into seminary over the last years, knowing I have a calling to ministry. However, the cost was prohibitive. Debt leads one to choices that rarely reflect God and lead one away from Him. I know from experience. This minister training and ordination credential, that I researched well and saw how effective and real it is, is the answer to my prayers. Even though, I have not completed the ordination yet, I already feel the confidence from the classes and use it in the Kingdom in my ministry.

Thank you each and everyone for this educational experience and opportunity! You made an incredible impact on my life and in turn, others. Blessing, peace, and the joy of God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, Finn.

Register a Study Account

Register for a free study account, automatically enrolling you in the Getting Started Class at the Christian Leaders Learning Platform. The Getting Started class will take you less than an hour to complete.

When you log in to the Learning Platform, you will notice that the Getting Started Class automatically appears on your dashboard.    

The Getting Started Class will orientate you to the Christian Leaders Learning Platform and the Programs offered, including:

  1. Ministry Awards, Certificates, Diplomas, and Degrees with the Christian Leaders Institute.
  2. Minister Credentialling (Ordination) with the Christian Leaders Alliance, including local Soul Center registration possibilities. 

Note: You can enroll in tuition-free courses or mini-courses immediately without finishing the getting started class.  

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