Life Calling Journey

Life Calling Journey

My name is Dana Clouse, and I have been on a life calling journey. I was born in the state of Texas, USA, in 1970 to Christian parents from two different denominations. My father’s side was Southern Baptist and my mother’s side was Methodist. My paternal grandmother was the Christian matriarch of the family.

My first experience with Jesus was at two years old. I was standing in the Crestmont Baptist Church witnessing the baptism of my mother along with my maternal grandmother. As the pastor submerged my mother in the waters, I saw Jesus lay his hand upon her stomach as he stared into my soul. Nine months later we were blessed with my younger sister.

When she was nine months old, my father’s job was transferred away from where the extended family lived. Therefore, the opportunity to attend church was limited to holidays when we went back home. We would spend two weeks at home for Christmas and this was the time we spent going to church. After church, all the grandkids would sit around the matriarch’s feet to hear her read the Bible. When dinner closed we would attend evening services and return back to grandma’s house for more scripture readings. I spent time studying the scriptures when we were away from Grandma’s home. Grandma made sure we had the age appropriate Bibles to use. I was fifteen when I felt the Lord calling, but I was uncertain how to obtain it.

I married at a young age and my first child was born when I was eighteen. Two years later I had a son that passed away at two days old because of a medical condition that caused him to be born prematurely. The doctors advised me not to have any more children. On September 25, 1994, I was saved and baptized in Christ’s name on my life calling journey. I gave birth to my youngest daughter on September 20, 1995. I suffered from gestational diabetes and a cervical condition that required me to have a stitch put in in order to carry to full term.

My calling from God became clear to me in 2014 on my life calling journey. I was the secretary of a small church taking care of the bills, thrift store, and website (I have a degree in Web Design). I was at one of our prayer days just before the day’s Bible study and this enormous yearning came upon me. After the conclusion of the Bible study, I went home and went to my office. I pulled out my prayer journal and began writing out my prayers like I had done so many times before. However, this was different, before I knew it, it was 3 in the morning and I had to be at the store at 7 am. I took my journal with me to the store to review what I had written. Through this entry, God showed me what He wanted me to do. He wanted me to be one of His Christian counselors for women and children that had been abused. At this time I wasn’t sure if it needed to be a ministry, Bible study or just a listening ear. What I did know was He desired me to find some way of increasing my knowledge in His word to help other women. My life calling journey has been a struggle. Conventional institutions were too expensive and I had already exhausted Financial Aid and Student Loans for the education I am achieving. Then I found Christian Leaders Institute. But I didn’t find CLI alone, it was through prayer and the guidance of the Lord.

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology with a Web Design Enhancement (2010). I ended up living back with my mother and step-dad. I was diagnosed in January with cataracts. I was told they were mild and I didn’t have any real worries. But by September when I got ready to graduate for the second time, I had the vision of a 90-year-old. I graduated with 6% vision in my left eye. My determination, perseverance, and with mom’s help, I graduated with a 3.33 average. I contacted the Social Security Administration about my condition. At first, they wanted to disable me, but I told them I wanted my eyesight because of my career in Web Design. They helped me get surgery and my sight was restored, with no glasses needed except to read with. Now, I am about to graduate with my Master’s in Busines Administration with an enhancement in Information Technology Management so I can run my own business. I currently have a 3.6 average and graduate in January 2019.

Over the last two years of my life calling journey, I have had some things happen that have brought me closer to God. First, I came home two years ago to help care for my mother. The back surgery she had left her with limited mobility. I was in an abusive relationship and God opened the door for me to leave it when I heard about my mom from my sister. Second, last November, I met a man that I had prayed about for over a year. God put a wonderful Christian man in my life. He has a strong relationship with the Lord and a deep understanding of His word. He has a twelve-year-old daughter from a previous marriage. She is rooted in Christian values and morals and has the voice of an angel. I know without a doubt that God brought us together. God put me in their lives to be a woman figure, spiritual guide, and friend to Sara.

Now, with my life stabilizing, finishing my formal education, being a part of a Christian family and receiving support from not only family and friends but from my newly found love and family, I am ready to fulfill God’s purpose for my life. To obtain the training I need at Christian Leaders Institute so I can help women and children through the tough situations they find themselves in. Through God’s love and mercy I now have a clear picture of what my purpose is for Him. He has provided me with a good Christian man that is supportive, a guide and true helpmate. I am blessed!

Learn about minister ordinations with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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