Leadership Training Impact

Leadership Training Impact

Most of my ministry has been from a music and worship perspective. Even though my denomination does not ordain worship leaders, I found it essential that I seek a pastoral perspective on my ministry work. Following this leadership training impact class at Christian Leaders Institute, I would say that worship leaders need to rally the people every week into a meaningful worship relationship with God. However, I have found my calling in recent times heading in a new direction. It is more toward Bible education, hospital chaplaincy, and administrative leadership.

This class on leadership training impact could not have come at a better time. My church’s attendance is on the decline. Therefore, we are facing the longevity challenges that many congregations in the United States have. However, we have some significant benevolence ministries currently in progress that are making a substantial impact on our community.

Our neighborhood is one that was a symbol of economic prominence in our city, but it is now the poorest. Therefore, we explored the creation of a new mission statement to help us sustain the excellent work we are doing. Our congregation is populated mostly by people in poverty who can no longer help us pay the bills to maintain ourselves.

Practical Application of Leadership Training Impact

This class has given me useful tools to apply to vision committee meetings. I have an opportunity to apply Pastor Ballast’s concepts in real time. Being able to offer sound advice to the people participating in this reconstruction effort has been a blessing. I have seen all the good ideas and all the objections to change. But the Holy Spirit works to change hearts as needed to hear God’s will in our situation.

One particularly impacting story from Pastor Ballast’s presentation was that of an aging congregation which hired a vision consultant. The consultant outlined what they would need to grow, and yet they decided they were too old to follow this plan. They were happy to continue the status quo as a church family until all the congregation had passed on of old age.

In many ways, I see this could be a viable option for my current congregation. An aggressive evangelical campaign to grow our church would demand that we change many things we like. We love our older style worship and recognize that it is an “old wine” worth preserving (Luke 5:36-39). We have our relationships with each other and are thankful for our current leaders. Mostly, we are proud of the food ministries that make a tangible impact on our community. We do not want them endangered by any dramatic vision changes. However, we need money to continue those ministries and await God’s voice for how to address that need.

In the future, I look forward to applying these concepts to whatever church God leads me to minister. Where will God send me next? What will be the most significant resources available and the greatest needs of the community? Very exciting to see what God will do with me next as I am open to him using me!


Learn about ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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