Commissioned Minister

Karen Wake – Commissioned Minister

My name is Pastor Karen Wake and I am a commissioned minister. I was born, raised and reside in Ontario, Canada. I am a widowed mother of two wonderful sons, a grandmother to three terrific grandchildren, and recently became a great-grandmother to a darling little boy.

More than 6 years ago, I enrolled as a student of Christian Leaders Institute. My personal profile is available in the Christian Leaders Alliance/Ordination directory. The scholarship I received from CLI has allowed me to get a solid Christian college education necessary. CLI trained me truthfully, spiritually and in a biblical manner, to be a minister to people and spread the gospel right here in my own community and online.

With my initial Ordination in January of 2015 and all the new courses that this amazing institution has provided for us, I gained the knowledge and confidence to plant “New Creations Christian Fellowship” here in Mount Forest.  This fellowship includes a small home based group and a much larger following worldwide on Facebook at “One Pastor’s Notes.” 

Christian Leaders Institute allows those of us who cannot afford the tuition fees of other Bible Schools and Seminaries to receive a quality Christian education from dedicated, Spirit-filled teachers who do not hesitate to respond to any questions we have along the way.

I thank Henry Reyenga and all of the staff for their vision of raising leaders around the world who will emerge and fulfill Christ’s great commission “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV) My heartfelt thanks to everybody at CLI!

To all who read this, I hope you too will be able to become a Vision Partner to help keep this great institution thriving and turning out Christian Leaders worldwide.  

May God bless you abundantly.


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