Journey in Christianity

Greetings from the United States of America! My name is Tabatha Tucker, and I am on a journey in Christianity. My journey led me to the Christian Leaders Institute to study the Bible, Christianity, and ministry (Learn more about online Bible classes, Click Here). I am happily married to my high school sweetheart. The Lord has blessed us with two healthy, sweet children. We are so thankful that we get to be a part of their lives.

I found a love for teaching when I began working at daycare while attending a community college. I received my bachelor’s degree in elementary education and furthered my education by attending Belhaven University. There, I earned my master’s degree in reading literacy. I am a teacher of 56 second grade students. Teaching reading brings joy to my heart. I am planting a seed for my students to become fluent readers. So when they seek the Lord, they will have the ability to read God’s Word to find salvation.

Growing up, my childhood wasn’t necessarily what a typical Christian home looked like. I vaguely remember going to church during my younger years. However, when I did, it was with my grandmother. My sister and I weren’t allowed to go to children’s church. We were to sit in the pews and listen to the sermon with our grandmother. As we got older, I remember my grandmother dropping us off on Wednesdays for service. Later, I went with my older cousin to her home church. During high school, I attended services at my now husband’s church, where I was baptized.

Jesus Saved My Life and My Soul

My journey as a Christian began the summer before I entered high school. It was on June 4, 2005, when I was in a horrible accident. During an event, my friends and I played on an inflatable obstacle course similar to those people rent for birthday parties. I came down the slide, and another boy slid down, landing on top of my head breaking my neck. I panicked because I had never broken a bone or been to the hospital before. However, I could not lift my head at all.

My youth minister’s husband was an EMT, and he rode with me in the ambulance to the hospital. I remember the EMTs discussing inserting an intravenous (IV). The IV worried me even more because I was terrified of needles. I cried to the Lord, and He heard my fear and need. Suddenly, I felt his peace. The EMTs never had to insert any needles into my body. If the invertebrate breaks had been centimeters different in their location, I could have been paralyzed from the neck down. I left the hospital without having to receive any surgeries. I had to wear a neck brace for several months until it healed. That day Jesus saved both my life and my soul. Today, I can live a normal life without any permanent injuries from the accident. Thank you, Jesus!

My Calling and Growth on My Journey in Christianity

The Lord is calling me to follow Him wholeheartedly and to share His truth with others so they may find salvation and freedom. For me, this adventure starts with me growing in God’s Word and building a stronger, personal relationship with Him. My goal is to share the love of Jesus through my actions to the people God places in my life.

I have struggled with fear and anxiety for a while, but I know that I must continue to trust in the Lord and seek His guidance as I continue down the path ahead. “Do not fear; do not be frightened. But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to answer everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:14-16). Taking more courses at the Christian Leaders Institute will help me to grow in my faith, increase my knowledge of God’s Word, and equip me with the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). Thereafter, I can go out and help others find the Truth that will set them free.

My Studying Journey in Christianity at CLI

Being able to take these Bible School courses free of charge has been a great blessing. Many people struggle financially, and I am still paying off student loans from college. Having the opportunity to learn about God’s Word without the burden of tuition costs alleviates financial problems. It allows me to focus on becoming a better Christian. I plan to take what I learn from these courses and apply them to my daily life with my family, friends, students, and co-workers. I am thankful that I have been given this opportunity. My prayer is that others can find and benefit from these courses also!

After being part of the Christian Leaders Institute for a short period of time, spiritual growth occurs within me. I am excited to come home from a hard day at work and get to relax while learning more about the Lord. I don’t have to worry about meeting deadlines and the typical college schedule of studying. There’s no cramming to complete assignments or rushing to complete assessments like I remember doing long ago.

This type of learning is different than any other. It allows me to seek the Lord actively, provides Scripture to support each message, and promotes free interpretation and modification of beliefs based on my experiences and the new information. There are no major deadlines and no rush to finish early. The “learn at your own pace” method allows me to take breaks when necessary. It also allows me to internalize the messages to strengthen my faith and grow in my knowledge of the Bible.

My Joy on the Journey

Pastor Reyenga and his team are passionate about sharing the Word of God. They want to listen, learn, and share their messages of Christ that make a difference in many lives! I am thankful for this opportunity to further my education at Christian Leaders Institute! I hope others find the joy that I have on their journey to become more like Christ.



Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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