Jones Yeats Wratee, Jr. –

“I am Rev. Jones Yeats Wratee, Jr. currently living in Saclepea City, in the republic of Liberia, West Africa. To do ministry here is to have the heart of Christ, accepting all trials and persecution that come your way. This region of Liberia needs real evangelism.

“I came to know Christ when war was in Liberia, and I was hit by a bullet. I accepted Christ’s offer of redemption then and there and promised to do His work.

“My ministry dream is to preach the gospel to the lost, even to the unreached areas of my country.”Jones Yeats Wratee, Jr.

Jones Yeats Wratee, Jr. Receives a Scholarship

“This scholarship will be a help to me, because it will help me grow in ministry and fulfill my dream. It will give me an opportunity to learn more about my Savior and equip me to accurately present the gospel to the lost.

“I want you to help me pray for ministry growth spiritually, physically, and financially. I am also looking for support to plant churches. I have started already, having planted 2 churches in my region.”

Jones Yeats Wratee, Jr. was at the verge of death. He came to know Christ through great personal pain, but God called this special man to be His minister in a way nobody else could! Now Jones Yeats Wratee, Jr. is answering God’s call, pursuing an education that only a few years ago would have been beyond his reach financially.

Now that has changed! CLI can use your donation to give called leaders like Jones Yeats Wratee, Jr. the education they so desperately need. Using Christian Leaders Institute, God has made this quality education available to His leaders free of charge throughout the world, and all they need is an active internet connection. Just think how happy a small donation could make the others out there like Jones Yeats Wratee, Jr.