Jodie Kok –

“My name is Jodie and I live in Michigan in the United States of America. I feel very blessed to live in this country because there are many churches and many opportunities to serve the Lord. We are free to believe the Bible and worship and practice our religion according to its instructions.

“I was born in a Christian home and raised in churches, Christian schools and by a believing family. My walk with God became personal for me at a young age, and many experiences and events in my life have strengthened and deepened my faith and relationship with God. One example of this is a miraculous healing I experienced a few years ago and have been able to share with many people.

“My passion in life is to teach, and I desire to connect people with God. I struggle with limitations, however, since I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which prevents me from participating in a great many activities and ministries. However, my love of teaching and my knowledge of technology has led me to the idea of creating videos about Christianity to put on the internet, in hopes of reaching both believers and non-believers with knowledge and encouragement.”Jodie Kok

Jodie Kok Receives a Scholarship

“Because of the disability brought about by my illness, I am unable to attend many church events and certainly cannot enroll in a normal seminary. Furthermore, I am unable to work, so my finances are strained. Christian Leaders Institute gives me the opportunity to study on a flexible schedule without having to travel. Without donations and support providing me a scholarship, I would definitely not be able to pursue this education.

“Please pray for me to have physical energy and clarity of mind so that I can study diligently. Pray also that I will have the energy and knowledge to create and publish useful and inspired videos, and that these videos will be viewed by those who need to hear the message of the Gospel”

Jodie Kok has a deep desire to serve God, but her life is strongly affected by a disability. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome prevents Jodie Kok from pursuing her dreams through traditional venues, but she doesn’t want to let that stop her from making an impact for Christ. Jodie Kok wants to reach out to people through online videos, pursuing her vision of sharing God’s word through a venue that accommodates her disability. Christian Leaders Institute can help Jodie Kok realize her ministry dreams.

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