My name is Kevin Bloss, a forty-two-year-old husband, and business owner, living in Round Lake, Illinois, USA. My wife, Laura, and I have owned and operated a dog care facility (daycare, boarding, grooming, training and retail) for over eight years. We are blessed to be able to partner together in ministry, in life and as business owners. People often marvel how we can work so closely together every day, but for us it is a blessing. The Lord brought us together and made us a team, not only in marriage but in all aspects of our life. Granted there is tension at times, but we help each other remain focused on Jesus. We also try to be a light to people that we come into contact with every day, whether that is employees, customers or random strangers.

My wife and I haven’t always been Christ followers. As a matter of fact, I spent the better part of forty years living in the flesh; seeking only to satisfy the temptations of this world. At the time that I am writing this, I have only been a follower of Christ for a little over two years. However, in that [short] time, Jesus has grabbed hold of me and began a work in me that I can only describe as “fast, intense Holy Spirit transformation!” I did not grow up in a Christian home, nor did I have any exposure to a church of any sort. Following a safe and loving, middle-class upbringing and a subsequent college degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I found myself satisfying every temptation and carnal desire with no regard for myself or others.

I left a failed marriage in my wake along with countless run-ins with the law. In 2003, I found myself in rehab for an addiction primarily to crystal meth and alcohol. Following my time in rehab and living in a half-way house, I seemed to be “back on track.” I was able to salvage a career in banking and met my beautiful bride Laura. A few years went by, and we seemed to be doing a good job of managing our life. In 2006, we made the collective decision to leave our careers and take on our dream of opening a dog daycare. Unbeknownst to us, the Lord was getting ready to rock our world in a way to draw Laura to Him first, and myself six months later.

In January 2012, my secret double life as a sex-addict was exposed. To convey the depth of my addiction, I confessed to decades of sexual impurity from porn to prostitutes. This revelation was about to change both of our lives in a way we could never have imagined. By God’s grace and mercy, Laura did not leave me; He used her to help me. Initially, I sought secular treatment and my previous experience in twelve step meetings seemed a natural remedy.

After a few months, Laura was still struggling and sought the comfort that only Jesus could provide. She, with a similar “non-religious” background, sought out the Church. Laura gave her life to Christ, and He immediately began to transform her. As the “good” husband I now was, I encouraged her new found faith, but I maintained my distance. In the meantime, her new church family started to pray for me, and people began to be intentional with me. There were other subtleties at work, but I mostly noticed the change in Laura. I can still remember the day when she looked me in the eyes and told me she forgave me. Granted, she had said this to me earlier in the year, but this time it was different, and I knew that it was. Jesus was working in her life in immeasurable ways.

Christmas Eve 2012 I agreed to attend a Christmas Eve service to make her happy. I had no idea what was to come and certainly didn’t know that a partial raising of my hand, in response to a powerful and emotional altar call, would be all that it would take. I cracked open the door of invitation and Jesus kicked it in the rest of the way! In a few short weeks following that service, I was meeting with the pastors, listening to what they were telling me and found that I had an unquenchable fire for the Word of God. I was a new creation; the old life was gone, and a new life had surely begun!

Since giving my life to Christ on Christmas Eve 2012, I seek to know Him more and more every day, and I can’t get enough of His Word. I have since immersed myself in His church, and the leadership has invested more and more time in me and my growth. Christian Leaders Institute is helping to foster and advance that growth. Additionally, I have been tasked with putting together an internal seminary track for my leaders and pastors of our church. I am being groomed for a future executive pastor role, and CLI is helping to sharpen my spiritual gifts!

A scholarship from Christian Leaders Institute will help me pursue God’s plans for my life. I seek to raise up other leaders in the body of Christ and desire to share the gospel with unbelievers and young believers. I feel that God might be preparing me to help other people struggling with addictions that are seeking to interfere with a God honoring walk. I hope people can look at me, hear my story, and want what I now have: a life filled with contentment and joy that can only be found in Christ.

I ask for prayer for being a good steward of the fruit the Lord has blessed me with. I ask for prayer that I do not fall prey to my pride and arrogance that has dominated most of my life. I pray that I can help to raise up other disciples and leaders for Christ and continue to point to Him for all glory and praise

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