His Healing Power

His Healing Power

CLI Student Nassang Mimba has faced many challenges, but she has also experienced God’s healing power in her life. She is convicted to share about his healing power and saving grace everywhere.

Read her story below:

I am Nassang “Natty” Mimba; I am a contemporary gospel singer from Cameroon. I bless the LORD for my country Cameroon, for Christianity is not outwardly persecuted as it is in other countries, by His grace ministry work is accepted.

At age 6 I gave my life to Christ. My mom told me a story about baby Jesus, who came into the world, knew no sin but was nailed to the cross for my sins. He died, was buried and on the third day rose from the dead and is in heaving preparing a place and is coming back to take me to be with Him. At that age, I said to myself “what an amazing thing for someone to die for me so that I can have eternal life and all I need to do is confess and ask Him to come live in my heart.” Of course, she painted a beautiful picture of what heaven was like and I made up my mind I wanted to be part of it. So I made the prayer and accepted Him as my LORD and personal savior from sin. In my early 20s, I did stray, but I thank the LORD for His mercies and for bringing me back to Him.

My dream in ministry is to change as many lives as I possibly can, bringing lost souls to Jesus through music and the gospel. Showing them that He is the one “thing” they cannot do without. Evangelist is one word I identify with the most.

I have never shared this publicly but let me tell you right now, God’s hand is not too short to save, to heal and to redeem. I saw this first hand when His healing power healed me from Hepatitis B. A few months after I was diagnosed and on medication. I kept telling myself “I don’t want to keep doing this, I don’t want to keep taking the meds, God, please heal me, ” And He did with one touch. So when it gets hard, I think of all He’s done, nd I get the strength to keep going. This is how I got prompted to go into ministry, to thank Him with my life.

One of the challenges in my country are bad roads. This I think makes it hard for and discourages ministry leaders to want to take the word further and deeper.

The work my church puts into my spiritual life through the word, prayer, and encouragement has gone a great deal to help me in my ministry calling. My mom has also been a great support in my ministry calling, she saw the gift of revelation in me before I could even come to acceptance with it. Her teachings of the word of God to me and her prayers built a great foundation in my walk with God which she still continues to do until this day, she also introduced me to a mentor which is one thing I believe is very vital to have as a revival leader. My mom has and is the greatest spiritual aid I have ever had.

A schorlaship at CLI will get me fully trained and equipped for the realization of my ministry dream. Please pray that the LORD gives me the grace to go throw the tests in my walk with Him and the mission inorder that I come out stronger.

Read other CLI stories on His healing power on the CLI Facebook page.

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