Gospel Evangelists

Gospel Evangelists

I am excited about raising up a new generation of gospel evangelists who walk with God, are called to ministry and are well trained at Christian Leaders Institute. Gospel evangelists are not afraid of sharing Christ motivated by the truth that God desires humans to be saved through the blood of Christ. At Christian Leaders Institute we offer free training that brings gospel evangelists the basics of Christianity as well as many ministry training classes. Kimberly is a young woman who senses the call to proclaim Christ.

Kimberly is a young woman who senses the call to proclaim Christ. Here is her story.

My name is Kimberly, and I live in the United States of America. Here, we can freely live out our faith in Christ, and we can minister to whoever. I met God when I was 13 years old. However, I didn’t start living for Him until I was 30 years old (I will be 34 in April). I have a passion for the lost and broken-hearted. I want to minister to those who need to hear God’s message of hope. I want to work with those who need a second chance, the ones that our society deems unfit or unworthy, the ones who Jesus is passionate for.

Why am I here? I want to be one of those gospel evangelists who Christ will use to bring his love everywhere. I believe CLI is the best place for me to learn how to become the leader God has chosen me to be and how I can be an evangelist in today’s world.

If you are interested in getting training to be a gospel evangelist,  Simply Enroll at Christian Leaders Institute.

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