Free Online Training

Free Online Training

Hello, my name is Peter Serrano, and I am receiving free online training at CLI. Currently, I live in two different worlds. I live with my lovely, intelligent wife Cleofe and our two lively children Rosita and Zoe in the Philippines. We also have a home in New Mexico. I spend most of my time in the Philippines. We are waiting to move back to the states as soon as we are approved by the National Visa Center and get the Visas for my wife and children.

My life has been in a limbo state waiting for our migration back to the states. It is taking longer than I planned. Therefore, I have thoughts that maybe the Lord doesn’t want us to go back to the states. Maybe the Lord wants us to live here in the Philippines. So, I have been praying about this. I ask the Lord: What can I do to support my family? What can I do to become a better example of a Christian man and father?

My Spiritual Dream

When I became born again by the Spirit of God, I had this hunger to read and study His Word. I read the Bible every waking moment I had. Every day, I went to the church, where the Holy Spirit came on me, in my dirty clothes after work to read everything they had about the Bible.

I love to tell people about the Word of God. I love the history of God’s Word and the way God’s word can explain His truths, His nature, His instructions, His love. The way my being becomes filled with power and joy when I am speaking, preaching, teaching, sharing His Word to others is exhilarating. I remember proclaiming that God would make me a pastor. That excited me!

Ministry Training at CLI

Christian Leaders Institute is where I receive my formal education in ministry. I always felt that is wasn’t necessary to be formally educated to be used by God. I thought if one is on the right path and is completely sold out to God then God will take care of the rest. However, I have come to learn that God uses people to teach other people.

I want to know more of God, I want to do more for God, and I want to please God. Not because I have to, but because I love Him. He is my Father, and I want to be a part of what He is doing. I found the Chrisitan Leaders Institute when I prayed and thought to take some online classes while I wait for other area’s of my life to unfold. Hence, I found CLI with its free online training. That these classes are free is a miracle, yet they say the best things in life are free, like salvation.

Learn about ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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