Free Ministry Leader Training - Robert Johnson's Story

Robert Johnson enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute for free Ministry Leader training, and to build his self-confidence and sense of achievement. Here is Robert’s story…

Free Ministry Leader Training – Robert Johnson’s Story


Hi, my name is Robert lee Johnson Jr. I was born in Winchester Va, United States of America. I have lived in Va most of my life,However, I have lived in NC. FL. and MS.
I came to learn of the LORD when I was A small child, My Aunt Cathy always took us to church, So I knew of Jesus my entire life, However, I didn’t live in such away, I was very worldly I went through a lot of sinning and a lot of pain before I gave my life to Jesus. I will share a small testimony, I was on drugs, booze, and all worldly ways, and one day I was on Chrystal meth riding down the road with a girlfriend and I started thinking I was tired of this life I was living, So I tell her to pull over and let me out, so she did. I Got out on highway 53 in saucier Ms. I proceeded to walk down the road angrily, and started screaming at the top of my lunges ” GOD I GIVE UP TAKE ME DO WITH ME WHAT YOU WANT I CANT LIVE LIKE THIS ANYMORE!!!!!!” It seems like only five minutes went by and a friend I once partied with named “Gary Johnson” ( no relation to me) pulled over and said what you doing I said very little ,I got in the van he was driving and when I got in I looked around and seen a few homeless person and before I could ask he said he had gave his life to Christ and was ministering and helping the homeless people and was on the way to his Church I was very impressed and eager also, I shared with him what I had just done and he carried me to the church where I was saved. However, I I backslid a few times but always looked back to God and now I’m on fire for God and doing His will !!
My ministry dream is to let the Holy Spirit to guide me the entire way and do Gods will nothing of my own. I want to lift up God bring people to meet and know God and I know I can only do this with The Holy Spirit leading me and I feel he Led me to this course. To learn how to be a worthy leader.
I feel the challenges we face in America today is The country is kicking God out, allowing pagan ways and immoral things to take place such as gay marriage, abortion which I see no difference in pagan child sacrifice, and a boat load of legal drugs that are killing many ect… most of all the crooked government is bringing Judgment to this land and many are to blind in the world to see it. that’s where we come in.
A scholarship at CLI is important to me for a couple reasons first to teach me how to be a great ministry leader, to build my confidence, also to give me a sense of accomplishment.
How you can pray for me and my ministry is simple ,Pray the Holy Spirit lead the entire way and keep me on the right tract ,and keep me focused at all times. Thank You for this opportunity.


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