
Free Life Skills Class – Become a Stronger and Healthier You 

by Professor: Dr. David Feddes

You are part of God’s special operations. Your mission is to reclaim the world for Christ. You have been saved and called to help. This class is about helping you to become a stronger and healthier you. This free life skills class is perfect for living a more confident and healthy life!

This free life skills class gives you Biblical insights and practical knowledge that make you stronger for your mission. Each topic is applied to your spiritual, physical, financial, intellectual, emotional, relational, and vocational dimensions of life.

Dr. David Feddes will bring you through the crucial areas of total fitness for you to thrive in leading others.

You will Learn and Grow in this free life skills class 

  1. Total fitness: hear God’s call to embrace practical wisdom and discipline for strengthening the whole person.
  2. Spiritual fitness: draw near to God and stand stronger against Satan through spiritual disciplines.
  3. Physical fitness: know why the body matters to God, improve bodily health, and use body language well.
  4. Financial fitness: earn a good living, escape debt, build wealth, honor God and bless others with money.
  5. Intellectual fitness: build healthy curiosity, sharp thinking, lifelong study, and courage to stand for truth,
  6. Emotional fitness: learn to face feelings honestly and discover God working through emotions.
  7. Relational fitness: heal from past relational wrongs and wounds, and interact with others in a wise and godly manner
  8. Vocational fitness: pursue God’s calling for job, career, and other tasks.

You are welcome to take this free life skills Class supported by generous vision partners. These vision partners include blessed Christian Leaders Institute Graduates, Kingdom-minded Christians and Foundations, and others.

Begin your free life skills course now! You will begin by taking a Getting Started Orientation class. Then you are encouraged to enroll in the Christian Leaders Connection Class which helps you get situated at Christian Leaders Institute. You are also free to immediately take this Total Fitness class by Dr. David Feddes.

Other Opportunities:

More Ministry Training Classes and Programs -These Ministry training programs will fuel your calling and increase your impact. Gather digital mission credentials or order official awards. These credentials are perfect for local ministry opportunities and ordination.

Ordination – Completing free classes opens you up to an ordination opportunity that is both locally and globally recognized with the Christian Leaders Alliance. Check out how you can become an Ordained Christian Leader. Low fees apply for ordination packages.

College Degree –  Earn your College Degree – Use your Christian Leaders Institute free classes for collegiate credentials. Earn certificates, diplomas and degrees. Low administration fees apply.

christian leading

Christian Leading, Calling, Gifts To Fulfill Our Individual Purpose

“When I turned 15, God had instilled in my life another passion. God began molding me to become, well who I am today. As much as I love music, I love ministering through my music even more because it allows me to be able to tell all of you the reason why I am alive today. It allows me to be able to tell all of you the reason why I do all of these things. It allows me to tell you that perfection took form of man and died for each and every one of us for our sins and rose again on the third day. That is the reason why I’m here. I’m here because I want to grow more in the word. A goal of mine is to see God use the youth group I’m currently leading alongside with my friend Rich to reach out to the city of Miami. Our youth group name is Revive, and the reason is because not only do I believe God is going to Revive our youth group, but God will revive our city.”        -Alexander Rodriguez

Hello! My name is Alexander Rodriguez, but I go by Alex. I was born in the year of 1991 in good old Miami, Florida. My father, brother, and I are engineers. My dad is a mechanical engineer. My brother is a computer and electrical engineer, and I am an electrical engineer. I work as a sales engineer with my dad at the family owned business called ALLI Pumps, Inc. Before anything though I wanted to share the greatest day of my life. The day I started my personal relationship with Jesus Christ and accepted Him as my Lord and Savior.

I was 4 years old. One day I was in the bath tub and asked my mom what salvation was. She explained to me what it was and how to accept it, and on that evening I prayed with my mother. I remember after I prayed I felt a complete joy in my heart, and honestly I thank God every day for that because if it hadn’t been for that day I wouldn’t be doing the things that I’m doing right now.

For example, I love worshiping our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through music. I play guitar, drums, bass, piano, and I sing and write songs to exalt our Heavenly Father. One of my passions is Christian leading in worship, but aside from that my other passion is to minister to the youth. I work with a youth group for my church and it’s amazing what God is doing in there. I am also a family man. My parents have raised both me and my older brother to be family men. I went on my first missionary trip to Nicaragua with my parents and my brother when I was 7. My parents have been serving in church for nearly 3 decades. My brother also shares the same passion for music if not stronger. He is truly gifted. Neither he nor I have taken any music classes, and we praise God every day for our musical talents.

I love worshiping our Heavenly Father. I love singing the sweet name of Jesus Christ. I’ve been able to have the honor and privilege to worship Him through singing ever since I was 7 years old. God gave me the words to my very first song at that age, and ever since He has written many songs through me. I then started playing instruments when I was 12 and by the time I was 14, I was playing the drums, bass, acoustic, and electric guitar alongside with my mentor/hero/older brother, Luis Rodriguez.

Christian leading at Christian Leaders Institute will help me achieve that goal in reaching out to our youth because it will allow me to gain more knowledge of the word of God. The knowledge that I will learn here will better equip me when I face lost youth, or even a lost city because again Lord willing, God will use me to lead them to His feet. I always say to the youth group that yes Jesus is the light of this world but we are the light holders. It’s like a flash light. We know the flash light works and that when it’s on it will illuminate the darkness, but someone needs to turn it on.

With a Christian leading ministry program at Christian Leaders Institute will help me shine His light. If you will, let  “Jesus’ ” flashlight not only shine on the lost souls of Miami, but Lord willing on the lost souls of the world. I would encourage everyone who reads this to please pray for not only me, but for those who I will be working with so that God may be able to use us in a powerful way.

Christian Leading In Different Areas Of Ministry

Being a Christian Leader is in fact Christian leading. Learn and be prepared for the ministry field to lead many to Christ. Click here to opt for CLI’s free online ministry training! Check us out! There’s no risk in checking out free. You may just possibly Christian leading in an area of ministry that God has placed a burning desire in your heart.

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youth leader

“I identify most with the term youth leader because I enjoy being able to be creative and find ways to present the Word in a fun and interactive manner. It is also my passion to help youth overcome their circumstances and experience the peace and love that comes with knowing the Lord. I am so passionate about this because when I was growing up I experienced some negative things with peers which led to some damaging behaviors. Also, youth are bombarded by the media to live according to the world’s standards, which only brings heartache. It is so important for our youth to have a positive place to go where they have a chance to experience the love of the Lord.”

Being A Youth Leader Is More Than Just A Job, It’s A Passion- A Calling

My name is Ashley C and I live in the United States of America. I recently received my Masters in Social Work, which was a vital step in deciding to be involved in ministry (I will answer how Social Work led me to ministry later in my story).

I enjoy doing youth ministry and seeing the change in those we help. Doing ministry here has its pros and cons. I am thankful for the freedom that we do have to live as Christians and it is great connecting with fellow Christians as well. It is awesome to see the people that do accept Christ, and being able to help disciple those the Lord leads to us. There are challenges that we face in that there are so many who come against Christ and claim that Christianity is bigoted and oppressive. With so many people following mainstream culture it is often difficult to get people to understand what the Bible is really about. Often times they believe the twisted lies our culture tells them about the Bible instead of studying the Bible for themselves or being open to hearing another view point. There can also be challenges in coming together as one. There are times when people see denominations as dividers and get caught in seeing each other as competition rather than uniting as Christians to be more effective.

I grew up knowing about the Lord but did not understand what it meant to surrender your life to Christ and follow His will. There were also things I saw from Christians that were hurtful and that I did not understand. When I reached my mid-twenties I started to feel hopeless and to think that there had to be more to life, so I started to study the Bible for myself. During this time I took an internship in Child Protective Services. I started to feel more hopeless because of what I saw happening in families, but the Lord led me to various other books and tools to help me realize I needed to surrender my life to Christ and start living my life for Him.

I currently work in ministry with my husband. The Lord laid it on our hearts to be a youth leader in a youth center. We co-founded 2 Rise Above Youth Ministry where we provide a positive environment for youth to rise above the negative circumstances in their lives. We utilize the Word of God in conjunction with evidence based psychological interventions to help youth live out their faith. It is our dream to be able to do this ministry full-time, as well as share Christ with more youth and help them to heal and grow in their faith. It is our goal to create more curricula related to life skills and social/emotional/spiritual well being; as well as travel throughout Wisconsin and share this ministry with others.

The Lord prompted me to start a ministry when I was taking a Forensic Social Work class and I saw just how oppressive our juvenile justice system was. We were using methods that actually increased criminal activity rather than decreased it. After doing a paper on ways we could improve our juvenile justice system with positive interventions, I saw that this was something my husband and I could do through as a youth leader in a youth center.

Our ministry is located in a small town. We have encountered challenges with the community being guarded to a new presence and seeing us as a threat rather than a partner.

We have had to rely strongly on the Lord while preparing our ministry because we went through a period where individuals at our previous church were dissuading youth from being involved in our ministry. There was a sense of competition from these individuals who were not willing to see how we could work together. We ended up finding another church (for various reasons) and they have offered prayer and encouragement when we have faced challenges.

Training with CLI to become a youth leader would help achieve our ministry goals because I want my biblical training to be as in depth as my training in social work. I want to provide accurate biblical information in the curricula and these classes would allow me to do that. Training to be a youth leader under CLI’s free online study program, would further help achieve these goals because I have already accrued a lot of student loan debt and thus do not have the funds to pay for other high quality biblical instruction.

My husband and I would appreciate prayers for wisdom, perseverance, guidance, and strength as we continue our ministry. In regards to our ministry we would appreciate prayers for unity, increased connections, funding, and future students.

Enroll With CLI To Prepare As A Future Youth Leader

If you feel led to be an important factor in the lives of our youth, then click here to begin your free online ministry training and become a Youth Leader! Be a friend. A mentor. A listening ear. A person who cares. Let us make our youth feel just as important to God. They may not be adults yet and have adult problems, but if it’s important to you, then it’s important to God. No issue is too little or too big for our Father.

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Evangelist In The Making For Future Panama Revival

My name is Jeremy Williams, I am from the United States. I am a Christian faith author and chef. I live for Christ, I am blessed that the United States has freedom of religion, and because of that I have been more open about spreading the gospel of grace. For the past 8 years I have been reaching out to people through small group leadership, youth ministry, church summer camps, and bible studies.

My journey with Christ started when I was 16. Up to that point of my teenage life, I had been involved in a lot of negative situations, dealt with a lot of difficult situations as a child, and I lived a very destructive lifestyle as a teenager. I felt the prompting of the Holy spirit and believe Jesus was calling me. After that I began seeking Christ and learning more about being a Christian. I was baptized and openly confessed Christ when I was 18.

I believe the Lord has called me for ministry and has placed in my heart a desire to relocate to Panama and start a grace ministry. My wife supports this dream, as does my church and family. We believe we can passionately take all of Panama, even Central America for the Lord, not that there aren’t ministries and missions working diligently there, but that we will go and help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and the grace he has given. My heart is torn between two cities, Panama City and Ciudad de Colon. Panama City is a bustling metropolitan that is ever growing, while Ciudad de Colon is wasting away. I believe through my ministry the city of Colon will experience a shift. What happened in the past 100 years that caused the city to fall, God will reverse in half the time and bring beauty out of the ashes. I also believe that Panama City will experience a ripple effect and the people of the city will draw closer together and help support the growth and revitalization of Ciudad de Colon. My wife and I have a desire to plant a church in Panama City, be an evangelist of the gospel of grace, and build an army of ambassadors for Christ that will touch all parts of Panama and Central America. We also want to plant an extension of the church in Ciudad de Colon, where we will have missions, an art education center, possibly a school, and a local church.

I mainly identify with the words Pastor and evangelist the most because I believe wholeheartedly that God, through His Ruach HaKodesh, has given me inexhaustible wisdom to lead people to life and given me an understanding of His Word and a passion for the lost. And I long to reach those people who are lost, hungry, sick, dying, hurting, and longing.

I would have to say, honestly, I believe the call to minister was on my life from my childhood days. However, I believe the true moment was probably when my father passed away, it changed something in me. I watched my father deteriorate in his health, and I was there when he died, and I remember reading to him passages for God’s Holy Word. And having to take that step was intense, but we were assured before he passed away that he received Christ, which he did. I don’t want anyone leaving this earth before accepting Christ into their life, and hopefully we can intercept a lot of people before they get to that point in their life where they’re about to pass on.

I don’t know the challenges that we will face in Panama, I do know that the gospel of grace is being attacked on every corner, but it prevails in every way because it is the power of the new covenant. In America, we still deal with traditional beliefs about religion versus relationship. Where some people believe they can fall out of grace with God. And if that is believed in America, a country 73% Christian, then what about the rest of the world? I believe Christianity is a relationship and that grace is the heart of that relationship.

My local church has allowed me to get involved with the youth ministry here. They also support my plans to relocate to Panama. The pastor is excited about helping my wife and I to plant a grace church in Panama. So we’re excited to work alongside of him. He wants to equip us with the knowledge and resources that will help us to lead people to Christ in Panama.

I will always have the support of my friends and family, whether financially or spiritually.

CLI’s evangelist training  is important to me because it will allow me to gain more education in biblical studies and equip me to be an effectual leader for Christ. I recently left from culinary school with debt looming over my shoulder, having to focus on that and save money to make a move to Panama feasible, it’s hard to have anything left to go back to a biblical study school. This will allow me to receive the evangelist training and education I need to live out the dream God has placed in my heart.

 Evangelist Training With CLI

Do you see yourself as an evangelist or pastor? Are you inspired as a missionary or leader? Click here to enroll with CLI! Our ministry training courses are available to all for absolutely FREE! All classes are done online so no relocation issues to stress about. Begin a life journey of being a part of transforming lives!

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