
Free Life Skills Class – Become a Stronger and Healthier You 

by Professor: Dr. David Feddes

You are part of God’s special operations. Your mission is to reclaim the world for Christ. You have been saved and called to help. This class is about helping you to become a stronger and healthier you. This free life skills class is perfect for living a more confident and healthy life!

This free life skills class gives you Biblical insights and practical knowledge that make you stronger for your mission. Each topic is applied to your spiritual, physical, financial, intellectual, emotional, relational, and vocational dimensions of life.

Dr. David Feddes will bring you through the crucial areas of total fitness for you to thrive in leading others.

You will Learn and Grow in this free life skills class 

  1. Total fitness: hear God’s call to embrace practical wisdom and discipline for strengthening the whole person.
  2. Spiritual fitness: draw near to God and stand stronger against Satan through spiritual disciplines.
  3. Physical fitness: know why the body matters to God, improve bodily health, and use body language well.
  4. Financial fitness: earn a good living, escape debt, build wealth, honor God and bless others with money.
  5. Intellectual fitness: build healthy curiosity, sharp thinking, lifelong study, and courage to stand for truth,
  6. Emotional fitness: learn to face feelings honestly and discover God working through emotions.
  7. Relational fitness: heal from past relational wrongs and wounds, and interact with others in a wise and godly manner
  8. Vocational fitness: pursue God’s calling for job, career, and other tasks.

You are welcome to take this free life skills Class supported by generous vision partners. These vision partners include blessed Christian Leaders Institute Graduates, Kingdom-minded Christians and Foundations, and others.

Begin your free life skills course now! You will begin by taking a Getting Started Orientation class. Then you are encouraged to enroll in the Christian Leaders Connection Class which helps you get situated at Christian Leaders Institute. You are also free to immediately take this Total Fitness class by Dr. David Feddes.

Other Opportunities:

More Ministry Training Classes and Programs -These Ministry training programs will fuel your calling and increase your impact. Gather digital mission credentials or order official awards. These credentials are perfect for local ministry opportunities and ordination.

Ordination – Completing free classes opens you up to an ordination opportunity that is both locally and globally recognized with the Christian Leaders Alliance. Check out how you can become an Ordained Christian Leader. Low fees apply for ordination packages.

College Degree –  Earn your College Degree – Use your Christian Leaders Institute free classes for collegiate credentials. Earn certificates, diplomas and degrees. Low administration fees apply.

christian church planter training

“The church has been very supportive in my calling by way of offering supportive prayers and providing some materials needed for the propagation of the gospel. My wife has been exceptionally amazing and supportive to my calling by her continual prayer and encouragement during challenging times. A scholarship at CLI is so vital to my ministry dream as it will enable me to gain knowledge that will facilitate the propagation of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I will be grateful if you could bear us up in your prayers asking for more grace to accomplish the divine calling and assignment.”       – Student of CLI’s Christian Church Planter                                                                                                                                 Training courses

With CLI It Is Possible To Receive A Free Online Christian Church Planter Training Education Even In London! All courses are done online! Many certificates & diplomas to achieve at NO cost to you! Join us like our London student and others across the world! 

I am currently living in London and the founder of Global Outreach Ministries International (GLOMI), an impartial Christian Charity. I believe that as a Christian I am called to love and to worship God and to further my care for and service to the communities and the wider world. In working to achieve these aims I strive to create a climate of respect, understanding, equity, diversity and interdependence.

I seek to fulfill this humanitarian calling or mission to continue the ministry of Jesus: by bringing lasting and positive change to the lives of the homeless, through front line work, prevention and advocacy, being a facilitator and enabler, galvanizing people and resources in the UK, Latin America and worldwide. By developing our services in order to enable people of all ages to offer of themselves in worship. By promoting the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential, as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities. By providing an accessible and welcoming environment in which worship may be offered and fellowship deepened. By arranging activities in which people are encouraged to develop their knowledge and experience of the world in which they live and the Christian Faith, reflecting on the interrelationship of the two. By identifying and responding to opportunities to show commitment to our villages and their needs. By raising awareness within the congregation both of world issues and concerns of peace and justice.

My Core Objectives also include:  No one should suffer in silence or feel isolated,building self-confidence, regain a sense of belonging, learning to laugh again

As I Know: the impact of being a single mother or widow, the temptation of committing suicide in the absence of any spiritual, emotional or psychological support, the life-changing experience that prisons brings to mind, body and spirit what it’s really like to be homeless

I was born into a Christian family and automatically became a Christian but had little or no intimate fellowship with the Lord. I was born in a family which is surrounded by serious demon activity. As young men were easily dying through demonic activities, my grandfather who is a fetish priest admonished me to accompany to the forest in the brong Ahafo region of Ghana to enable him to empower me with demonic spirit to be able to fight the spirit of witchcraft which was after my life. Due to the fear of the Lord I failed to succumb but rather resorted to faith in Christ Jesus as the only means of survival. That was certainly not an easy route, as I suffered different kinds of diseases so times to the point of death.

In the midst of these turbulent times, the Lord brought me to the ministry of evangelist Alice Newman, whose divine teachings led me to an intimate relationship with the Lord. In this period, the Lord gave me many divine revelations. On one occasion the Lord gave me a vision in which I was being translated from darkness to light through an anointed woman of God. After the above revelation, our Lord Jesus Christ revealed himself to me and has repeatedly shown himself to me on several occasions especially during life’s most difficult times. I have realized that the most challenging times of my life has brought me to the true knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I identify myself an evangelist and church planter. The grace of God has endowed me with the dexterity and skills in good human relations which is a key component of success in planting ministries. I discovered that life is meaningless and hopeless without our Lord Jesus Christ. His many blessings, mercy, love and grace to me motivated me to serve him and to do his work. In accordance with Mathew 25:14, I believe that everyone has been given a gift by God, however, many people die without even realizing their talents or gift. It is also on this basis that the Lord has called us to harnessing potentials with the ultimate vision of reaching out the gospel to the world and winning souls for Christ.

The church has been very supportive in my calling by way of offering supportive prayers and providing some materials needed for the propagation of the gospel. My wife has been exceptionally amazing and supportive to my calling by her continual prayer and encouragement during challenging times. Christian church planter training with CLI is so vital to my ministry dream as it will enable me to gain knowledge that will facilitate the propagation of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I will be grateful if you could bear us up in your prayers asking for more grace to accomplish the divine calling and assignment.

                             Christian Church Planter Training Courses With CLI

Click here to gain access to receive your free online Christian church planter training with CLI! Whether Christian church planter training is the direction you would like to go in your ministry, or you are looking to minister in another area, CLI is the bible college for you. With our high quality classes, you will find yourself well equipped to discover where God is placing you in ministry!

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christian youth leader

“I identify with becoming a Christian youth leader because having children of my own it was important   to me that they learn more about living a Christian life and being raised on good morals rather than     occupying their time with other things of the world. It was also important that we recognize that these       children will be the ones to carry on our church legacy one day. I have witnessed overwhelming         feelings beyond my control to serve God in the children’s and music ministries and I am proud of         what the Lord has been doing in my life and allowing me to do in the lives of others. It is my dream one day to expand the children’s program to the point where we actually have a school including a gym, and an auditorium to hold many types of school functions and after school activities not only for the children involved in our ministry but for the children of the community.”       – Leah Thomas, Christian Youth Leader in Training

          Replacing Negativism with “Gracism” and Leading our Youth towards                                               the Love of All People through God- The Future of a                                                                                      Christian Youth Leader

My name is Leah Thomas and I am happily a part of a bi-racial family. I am white and my husband is African American. We have two beautiful mixed children. Living in the United States this family trend is becoming more and more popular. In our area and local churches, we see many mixed families. Although this trend has become widely accepted we still face many challenges in our day and age. God is love and wants all of His people to love one another. There is not one race that is to be more superior to the other. God is the only one who should be held in such a high regard. Keeping God in the forefront of our minds should make doing God’s works and ministry a simple task, but with hate groups and many self motives of the world, challenges will arise no matter how focused a Christian may be. We must omit sin as much as we can, and truly live our lives as close to the Lord as possible. God has shed His grace on all of us. Even when we may not have deserved it, it was done anyway out of love and selflessness.

Unfortunately many people have lost their way. With all of the bullying, sexism, media, and mainstream “idols” people have turned to sin as an easy way out. Discrimination and superiority, paired with any advantage of becoming someone who can be noticed by the “in” crowd has become a worldly justification for not carrying out the Lord’s will. We need to remember that Jesus did not necessarily make the popular decision by spreading the word of God and loving all of those who opposed him, but he followed the direction of his father to do what was right for a greater good. We need to remember that as followers of Jesus Christ we must do the same in our lifetimes. We do not have room in our hearts for hate. We cannot even begin to think for a moment that we are better than someone else. We must remain humble, help other people, be fair, love everyone, forgive, and follow the word of God; So that we may have a glorious place in heaven.

I have come to know the Lord through my husband and his family. He invited me to Mt. Tabor Baptist Church for father’s day in 2009 and I was captivated by what had taken place that day. I had never been surrounded by so much love. In a room full of strangers, I was accepted, I was loved, I felt at home for the first time in a long time. Shortly after this experience and becoming a member. I gave my life to Christ and was baptized with my husband. See my very own family had disowned me for dating someone outside of my own race. My father had never even met my husband and could care less about who he was, he was to focused on what color he was. At the time I really could not comprehend how my family could just turn me away so easily (racism alive and well) but I have come to realize that God truly had something so much better in store for me.

Through the Lord, my church, and the music ministry I learned how to forgive those that hurt me and to love them anyway, and started to notice the joy that replaced anger and bitterness in my heart. Although I still have not seen or heard from most of my immediate family in over 7 years, I have become a part of a church family who loves without conditions, just as God has intended. It is my goal to one day pass on what the love of God has done for me and let others know that just because you are hated on and turned away by one set of particular people does not mean you have to turn your back on the rest of the world. Hatred should never breed more hatred. God opens and closes doors in our lives for a reason. His reason for me was to bring me closer to him, to use my gifts and talents in my church community, to raise my children with true Christian beliefs and love and to familiarize others of the Lord’s grace.

It is a privilege to do ministry in my country. With the support of my church, my most recent engagement has become coordinating a children’s program at our church. Recognizing the youth are our future. There was great need for a bible based program to thoroughly teach and guide their young minds and souls to our Savior.  I know that with the proper Christian youth leader training from CLI this dream can quickly become a reality. I know that I will be able to receive the Christian youth leader classes that will aide in my progress not only with the Lord but to show the officials of my church that I will continue to grow and develop myself. It would absolutely mean the world to me to receive a Christian youth leader training from CLI so that I can pursue my knowledge on becoming the Christian youth leader that my church and the children’s ministry deserves.

I ask that you pray for me on my journey that I may become everything that God intends me to be and that I remain humble and know that it is only possible through Him. I ask that you keep me lifted as I will be interacting and be looked upon as a role model in the lives of so many young children and that I may mold, shape, and guide them to a path of salvation with God. I ask that you also pray for the people of the world who have been lost in their ways and that they truly find the love of God. And finally I will ask that you pray with me to replace our world of racism to a movement of “Gracism” through Jesus Christ. Amen!

                                              Become a Christian Youth Leader Today!

Like Leah, join our students and become like family with Christian Leaders Institute to become a future Christian youth leader! Our mission as pastors, evangelists, missionaries, etc. is to advance God’s kingdom! Be a part of such a beautiful task. With Christian youth leader training, you too can bring revival to all the little ones (and even adults) God has put in your path! Click here to begin your free online training!

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christian integrity


Christian Integrity Takes Time To Achieve

My name is Vincent D. Dent from Dallas, Texas, United States. Let me first take a moment to thank you for your consideration. It is my prayer that you will catch a solid glimpse of my heart and calling towards serving and lifting up the body of Christ and its members in this capacity. I understand the importance of training staff that not only builds up the body and its’ members, but also challenges and encourages them to grow and deepen in their relationship with the community and with God. I consider it an honor to serve in this capacity. I have served in Christian ministry for 18 plus years.

Although I have had and experienced living life as and like a fool at certain stages and points in my life, I am so thankful, yes truly grateful that God did not allow nor did He let me continue on and die as a fool…………..This is my 50th Birthday Declaration in full.

I have committed myself to preach. I have committed to preach what God and the Holy Spirit tell me to preach….and for now and until I am instructed otherwise the preaching will be a Spiritual Checklist depending more upon the Holy Spirit’s evaluation of myself “self-examination with the Holy Spirit as the magnifying glass through which I view self” then I can preach to you with power.

Let me start My Lord and My God by being honest and transparent. I thank God today for Jesus because I was and am daily in need of the Savior. As I look back over my life I admitted and confessed before God and man that I did not always live a life of Christian INTEGRITY…God, how many people today are lacking Christian integrity? I can think of so many scandals among business and Christian leaders, as well as every day people. What a shame! I pray that you would help me to always be a person with Christian integrity. Help me to have undivided devotion to You, to firmly adhere to my faith and moral values, to practice biblical ethics, and be of sound mind and good character. God, I pray for my family, that each one would realize the importance of Christian integrity and would live their lives accordingly. Help us to be examples of Christ-like character in this world. Thank You, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

There is a power anointing inside of you that has not been pulled to the surface and a dimension of glory that the church has not not seen yet. God says that is why I called.

I hear God say…….

Get ready to be pushed out and released into your destiny for my fire comes to purify and to stir up all of what is inside. Prepare and posture yourself for repentance must be priority saith God.

This is the hour of visitation for the Lord is going to revisit some of you in the most intimate of places as you take the time to seek Him for yourself. You are entering into a new level of understanding as the eyes of your heart are being enlighten through experience. You are developing a deeper awareness of His presence and power as the Lord invites you to come behind the veil. The Lord renews your strength and empowers you Spirit with a fresh touch on today….

I pray that the Lord will bless you mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially in the mighty name of Jesus. I bless Him and thank Him in advance for the confirming and performing of His word to you with miracles, signs, and wonders to follow. Amen.

You don’t have to carry a bible around to prove that you are a Christian, just let your life speak for itself!!!!

Gain deeper insight in biblical Scripture. Gain knowledge on what can be experienced in the ministry field. Discover transformation and gain Christian integrity. Use the tools you have been equipped with to preach the Word of God to the lost. Equip yourself under Christian Leaders Institute’s free online ministry training. Not only will you gain more wisdom, find yourself with more Christian integrity.      Click here to begin your free training today!

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