free christian ministry training

How Is Free Christian Ministry Training Available In Botswana?

With Christian Leaders Institute, students from all over the world can partake in our free Christian ministry training by taking all classes conveniently online. The internet has made it accessible to do more then just connect with others around the world, shop, and research any topic of interest at hand. Now people wishing to continue in education are finding it easier, better, and more economical to also take online classes. The benefit with CLI however is that ALL of our courses are available for FREE! Our free Christian ministry training has blessed many of our students with a passion for the Lord. We prepare each student for their calling with high quality biblical knowledge for ministry. So wherever you are located, if ministry is your dream, CLI is here for you!

Free Christian Ministry Training

A Miracle Of Healing Only By Jesus

CLI student, Hamilton Felix Chiutare:

I was born in Zimbabwe in 1970. I attended early church at Roman Catholic, mainly because our mother insisted that we attend. As I grew older I stopped attending completely. Due to economic problems in Zimbabwe, I moved to Botswana in 2003. My residence is in Botswana where my family currently lives but I’m currently employed in Zambia. This is the story that changed my life, how I was saved, and the ministry I am pursuing.

I went to work in Mozambique for 3 years from 2011 to 2013. While in Mozambique, I applied for work in Zambia and was successful. I went back home to Botswana in preparation to move to Zambia for my new assignment. I completed all the formalities with my new employer and I was given the air ticket and travel dates. With a week to go to Zambia for my new assignment, on 21st November, 2013 at around 3 a.m, I woke up with a strong headache. I couldn’t sleep and started vomiting, pain killers could not help. My wife took me to the local private surgery but all the treatments could not stop the headache. They gave me bed rest thinking it was a migraine but nothing helped. In the afternoon I requested that they transfer me to the public medical facility in our village. On arrival, I was immediately transferred to the district hospital and a variety of medical tests were done.

Due to the fact that I had been to Mozambique, they thought that it was malaria but the tests came back negative. By now, my left eye was beginning to see double vision and I could not walk without support. The doctors booked me into the ward for observation as all tests done were negative. I was injected with a powerful pain killer but it worked only for 3 hours. By 2130 hours, I was awake and the headache persisted. The doctors could not do anything to help me. The next day my left eye had shut down but still the doctors could not say what was wrong with me. We made a decision as a family to transfer me to a private hospital in the capital city in the afternoon since the doctors could not tell us the cause of the headache. A quick head scan was done but the doctor on duty could not see anything. He advised us to return the next day to see the resident neurologist. The next day, a detailed head scan was done and it showed a tumor of the pituitary gland which was over 3cm large. The headache had probably been due to bleeding of the tumor. The doctor advised that I needed surgery as soon as possible and he referred me to his colleagues in Zimbabwe since the cost of surgery was not affordable at this private hospital( I had no medical aid). I went to Zimbabwe and tried everything to have the surgery done, but nothing worked as we faced barriers every time. My brother’s pastor and various members of his church came to pray for me. During this period, I gave my life to Christ and became saved. My health started improving and I stopped taking pain killers. I went back to Botswana, joined a local church where they prayed for me, and Jesus Christ healed me. My eye started opening up and the sight started returning to my eye.

On New Year’s day, I went for an all night prayer and the guest pastor who had come to our church for the first time called me to the front and told me that God had chosen me and I was going to be a pastor. She asked the church pastor and leadership to lay hands on me and they did. After 2 weeks I was on the plane to Zambia to start work. Many people could not believe what God had done in about 50 days. I’m now well and at work in Zambia with no more pain or sickness. I joined a local church in Zambia who continue to support and guide me in my walk with God. The pastor I met in Zambia is my mentor and I shared my story with him. The local church in Botswana is helping through encouragement. In Zambia the local church is helping through cell group meetings where everyone is given a chance to lead on a topic of their choice. In the main service, I am given a chance to present exaltation in giving once in a while. I have also joined the intercession team which supports my prayer life. With CLI’s free Christian ministry training, it will help me develop a strong foundation as a pastor and will enable me to bring God’s Word to people back home.

My goal is to bring the Word of God to many others in my local area through my testimony of what God did for me after 43 years in the wilderness and darkness. I want to tell others how their walk with Jesus Christ can bring change into their lives from a personal experience.

Register To Begin Your Free Christian Ministry Training

Look to Christian Leaders Institute to advance in ministry with our free Christian ministry training! Click here to enroll. Enrollment is simple and you can begin your free Christian ministry training immediately after registering! Simply click on “Student Login” on our website at and fill in your email and password information that you filled in on your application. It’s really that easy! Check us out on Facebook for more stories and news on CLI and our graduates! God bless!

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