My name is Frankie Cornelison. I am married with two grown children. My husband and I have moved several times. We have always found a Bible-teaching-preaching church where we could both be active. We now live in a small town called Advance. It is near Winston Salem in North Carolina in the United States.

I was saved when I was eight years old. I was brought up by a mother and grandmother who loved the Lord and guided me to help me grow in Christ. Our Baptist church emphasized missions, and, as a result, I have always been burdened to pray and reach out to those on the mission fields who are leading others to Jesus Christ. Memorizing Scripture in church, doing Bible drills, taking part in the girls’ mission program, and listening to a godly preacher and teachers helped me to grow spiritually.

God led me to be a teacher. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in history; I have taught middle school social studies and language arts for fifteen years. This was very fulfilling since most of these years I was involved in Christian education. I am now retired and seeking God’s guidance for future leadership roles. I have always sought to be a teacher who tells my students about Christ’s gift of eternal life – a forever teacher of eternity.

My wonderful Christian husband has always encouraged me to improve myself by furthering my education; I am truly a lifelong student and learner. My husband has stood by me as I worked in Christian education. We have ministered together in several churches with an audio/video ministry. He and my fellow church members know God has called and is calling me to more leadership responsibilities. I know God has called me to be a teacher and leader. I have felt God’s leading since I was around eleven or twelve years old. I would get the children from the neighborhood together on our porch. I would take my chalkboard and teach them, and they listened! Even though we don’t use chalk much anymore since we have white boards and markers, I still feel like chalk dust is a big part of my past, present, and future.

Our church is small, and we recently celebrated our second year anniversary. We have just bought land, and we are planning to begin constructing a church building soon. Since it is a newly organized congregation, there are many opportunities for me to serve as a leader. I am now the chairman of the Children’s Church program. I am also the director for this year’s Vacation Bible School.

I know there are going to be other opportunities opened to me by God, and I am open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I have visions for beginning a Wednesday night youth program such as Awanas. My heart is still with Christian education, so to establish a Christian school would be fantastic! I am considering various ideas such as beginning an after-school study program where I can have a Bible study session. There are so many children needing spiritual guidance and knowledge. Another of my visions is to establish a literacy and evangelism center to work with those who need help with English as a second language and/or those who can’t read English. I would use Christian literature to teach them English and how to know Christ as their Savior and how to grow spiritually. I am making myself available to God to serve Him wherever and in whatever capacity He can use me.

I have served God in various ministries as a follower. I have followed leaders in Sunday School programs, Vacation Bible School ministries, Awanas programs, Christian camp ministry, and Christian school ministry. I feel God is now calling me to be a leader of others.

I have had experience in working with successful programs and those not as successful. I have seen things which work (especially with children) and things that do not work. I believe with further theological studies and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, I can implement programs at my church and in my community that will successfully reach people for Christ. My desire is to reach them and disciple them in the name of the Lord.

I love reading and studying God’s Word. To be able to have professors who will give me a better understanding and knowledge of the Bible and theological training would be an answer to prayer for me. Having a scholarship from CLI would enable me to continue to study God’s Word while allowing Him to mold me into a useable instrument for Him. That is where I can really use prayer. I want to be that vessel that is so full of God’s love, kindness, and patience, that others would not just see me as their leader, but would see Jesus living in me. Being able to study at home with the computer would be a wonderful opportunity for me to receive training while still serving at my church. I would be able to use things I am learning even as I am serving. It will be an honor to be a leader, leading others to follow our greatest Leader, Jesus Christ. I want to always be that teacher who tells others of Christ’s gift of eternal life – a forever teacher of eternity.

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