Enterprise Ministry

Enterprise Ministry

This is my story of how God brought me to my enterprise ministry calling. I grew up in southern California, during a time when people declared peace and free love. They tried to open their minds with drugs and called it free thought. When I was eight, I collected bracelets with the names of solder’s missing in action somewhere called Vietnam. In the midst of it all, Jesus was pursuing me. Someone invited me to AWANA, and, although I was not from a Christian home, I regularly attended by God’s grace. I had a neighbor, family friend, or church member volunteer to get me there and back home. One day, I received my own Bible at the bus stop. I did not know God, but I came to love and serve him.

By the time I was eighteen, I had learned some Bible verses and about the kindness of Jesus, but I was still not sure where I fit in. I hadn’t gone to church for a few years and became compelled to attend. I was licensed to drive and recruited some unsaved friends to tag along. They slept in the pew at a Baptist Church, while I was on the edge of my seat. I wanted more of Jesus. Later that year, I was baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit at that same time. My church didn’t believe in that, so my friends and I moved on. In the meantime, Jesus showed me my life was like death. So, I started to live for Him – my heart transformed that day. I became friends with other Christians, found a Spirit-filled church, and sensed a calling and a purpose for my life.

Enterprise Ministry Dream

Many beautiful things have occurred during my walk with Christ as well as some tragedy. I am stronger in enduring the journey with God’s love and his Holy Spirit to guide me. These past two years, I have seen God directing and leading me in knowledge and grace. Now, I see He is leading me to serve others in enterprise ministry. He has brought me to the Christian Leaders Institute for further study. I want to complete my degree in Business Enterprise. I work in an established business, and now I consider it part of my ministry training field.

Learn about ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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