Donation Model of Ministry Training Changes the World

Generosity-Driven Model of Ministry Training Changes the World

Jesus set up the first free ministry training school.  Joanna, Susanna, and Joseph supported his ministry training school and his life work of redemption.  This donation model of ministry training changed the world and launched the early church.

Jesus started his ministry training school by networking with fisherman and calling them: “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19).

Interestingly, I must defend the generosity-driven model of ministry training often. I must defend that it is not cheap training. I point out that our professors are noted in both their credentials and their ministry experience. I point to the non-traditional accreditation options open for mission-driven education.  I point out the opportunity of technology to deliver performance-based ministry training including lectures, quizzes, transcripts and certificates at a fraction of the cost of traditional education.

Why am I encouraged that the generosity-driven model of ministry training changes the world!

I am most encouraged that Jesus used this model of ministry training. This donation model of ministry training changed the world and can be used again to raise up leaders everywhere. I am encouraged daily by the stories of those who heard the voice of Jesus say, “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

One of these called leaders is Cassey Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen from South Africa. She writes,

I come from South Africa where everyone is free to believe what they like. On many occasions, the Lord has spoken to me in my past, but I never listened. Many times, the Lord helped me and kept me from harm. Many times, the Lord crossed my path through other people, but I never listened.

But one day, I heard Him, and it was the sweetest sound I ever heard. He called me, and I heard Him. I know now that He wants me to spread His word through evangelism. My dream would be to speak of the Lord freely and constantly to those who would listen, and let them hear His voice as I heard it.

When I read the calling of Cassey to be an evangelist, my heart is moved. I want to do everything possible to help her share Christ!  I’ll help Cassey get all the ministry training she needs.

When graduates summit the stories of their life and their calling into ministry, it strengthens my resolve to defend the donation model of free ministry training. Cassey tells about her life and how God raised up a local mentor:

I had a rough start to life, but made it through His glory. Eventually, God raised up a woman who mentored me and helped me grow in my faith. I did not know this lady was a strong believer in Christ, although I knew she believed. She showed me the way, and taught me how to listen. It was a long journey, and she never pushed. She allowed the Lord to do His own work within her and me. When I experienced this, I knew that after becoming a believer, I would also want to ignite the spiritual fire in others and allow the Lord to do His gracious work to allow them to believe.

Christian Leaders Institute values the work of mentors. We ask new students to include their mentors in their ministry training. We also ask local churches and pastors to get involved. Our ordination program at CLI helps students become ordained at a local level as a ministry deacon. The local church involvement for called leaders is vital. Cassey has that kind of support.

My local church has been very supportive as they have received me as a ministry deacon. It is very difficult to translate from English to Afrikaans as my home language is English and my church is Afrikaans. This is one challenge I face in doing ministry.

Christian Leaders Institute is passionate about training local leaders for local churches. This donation free model will help churches in every nation train more qualified leaders. As I promote and defend the donation-free model, I see everyday that the donation model of ministry training changes the world in nearly 15o nations with thousands of graduates. See Global impact.

Cassey understands this at a personal level,

A CLI scholarship is very important for me! In the past, one did not need to be considered “qualified” in order to render services of things to which one had experience.  But these days, we all need an “education” before people will listen. People want to see that we have qualifications and a quality education before they will even turn their faces toward us.

Cassey is right about that. In the 1990s, I was also about raising up local leaders and helping them do ministry. Most failed because of lack of training and lack of respect for their leadership. CLI was started so that every called Christian leader would get the training and respect needed to do well in ministry.  I am called to make this training available everywhere to everyone God calls!

This donation model of ministry training changes the world because of the leaders God calls into ministry. It is the Christian leaders that do the work of the gospel. Cassey understands this and she asks for prayer. She recognizes the role of God’s presence and power in her life:

My prayer I would ask for would be for the support to learn and reach new heights in the understanding of the Word. A prayer to help understand and translate my understanding so that others may understand. A prayer to allow others to see the Lord working in me and allow me to talk with them and allow them to hear.

I feel that way about the donation model of ministry training. I pray daily for the support to learn how to reach new heights for training called Christian leaders grounded in God’s Word. I pray that we will be able to reach the world by translating this training into more languages like French, Spanish, and Chinese. I pray that that the Lord will allow millions of called leaders to find CLI. I pray that God will enable the entire CLI team of professors, staff, graduates, and me to be used by God to change a world in chaos through the gospel of Jesus Christ!


 Donation Model of Ministry Training Changes the World Though Your Faithful Giving – Give Now

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