Cowboy Ministry Training

Cowboy Ministry Training

My name is Tom and cowboy ministry training is the path I am on. I live in rural Oklahoma north of Tulsa. I am the Associate Pastor of a nondenominational Christian cowboy church. Our church holds several events that are unique to cowboy culture, we have an annual rodeo; were Bibles are part of each prize. At our last rodeo, over twenty people raised their hand for salvation. The church also raises livestock to be donated to the local food banks. We run two different herds, registered Long Horn and another used primarily for roping. The focus of the church is family, and all events are designed around that foundation.

My journey was reborn when my family and I started to attend the cowboy church. I have moved all over the US and have lived in several countries but this church was home. Even though I was saved at 16 in west Texas, here is where I really started to understand what it meant to follow God. I am constantly seeking knowledge from God for all things; I am also trying new things to help keep my mind on that focus. I started learning to play guitar; my wife already plays guitar but she is learning the mandolin, to have another avenue to glorify God. I am not sure where the music is going to take us but I am excited to find out.

I am really enjoying the journey of gaining knowledge in my cowboy ministry training. I ask God all the time what is next, but I have not been given a firm answer. I know that is for a reason; patience and experience are key in faith. Another one of the many lessons he has taught me. My wife and I have an awesome church family and many mentors that have guided us through different scriptures. I am praying that the Christian Leaders Institute classes are going to allow me to gain knowledge in the scriptures and help strengthen my personal relationship with God.

There has not been one key event that led me to the ministry. I would like to say that my whole life has been going down that road, but that would not be true. The events of my life are part of the testimony that makes me unique; just like everyone, I can relate to different people. I know we are not to focus on the past, but use it to help someone else see that no matter where they are or what they have done can stop God from loving them.

I have been the type of person that solves problems. I have held several different jobs in many different companies all over the world. Just like our past helps us relate to people, my past helps me to see things differently. Not knowing what the future holds is a little unnerving, but I know God has a plan. I would like prayer for our cowboy church, the pastor, and the congregation. Like many churches, the devil is attacking regularly. Lastly, prayer for me and my family to have the strength to continue the journey that God has laid before us.

Learn about local ecuministry ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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