Hi, I’m Timothy Jonsel S. Ermitaño from the Philippines, and I would like to attest to God’s grace and faithfulness in my life.

I am privileged because I have been called by God to teach and preach the gospel in my own hometown. God called me to start teaching in a our young people’s class at the age of sixteen and since then, I have fallen in love with His Word. Every single word and principle from the Bible proved to be a point of grace for me. He has been faithful in guiding me throughout all of my involvement in my church’s teaching ministry (Faith Baptist Church South Metro – www.fbcmm.net). Now, as I reach my fourteenth year in teaching, I think God is finally calling me to the mission field. Since God uses prepared people, I prayed for an opportunity to be trained. Christian Leaders Institute is God’s answer.

I thank God for leading me to this institute, especially now that a diploma course is a possibility. It is definitely a God-thing for me to be able to continue my journey of grace at CLI. I pray that leaders will pursue excellence in their ministries through training and spiritual development offered here at CLI.

God Bless us all!

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