Christian Leaders Institute Quality Ministry Degree 

Christian Leaders Institute Quality Ministry Degree

by David Meitzler

Christian Leaders Institute Quality Ministry Degree keeps people out of debt while they study high-quality college classes. David Meitzler writes his testimony of competing over 60 hours of study. He shared what happened in his life.

It is about trusting the LORD, as He leads me out of my comfort zone for the cause of Christ. To aim at being that humble, yet firm-footed Christian Leader, who points to a relationship with Jesus as the only lasting answer to individual and world brokenness.

From the onset of the academic journey, my prayer to all ministry students is to fully embrace the fundamentals of Christian Leader Institutes introductory courses. I believe the ministry training courses are wonderful teaching, growth encouraging, and a form of worship. I found that experiential learning was also being developed, as I used my training with church and life situations.

The importance of praying, and for listening to God daily was deeply encouraged for all, as it overlaps into the seven connections of Kingdom Outreach. I received it as a foundational course of guidance, growth, healing, and outreach for leadership. I accept my call; He provides the clarity of mission as I go forward. I stand up for God, and He loves to heal me first. I stay close to Him, I guard what I have received, and I rejoice in the abundant life He has always had for me.

 One monumental learning event was to stay focused on Trust in the Lord, yet to gain some understanding, as I experienced the transformational handiwork of a Gracious God at work on me in a more profound way. I am still an imperfect person in training for leadership in His Kingdom, and for His Glory. When I glance back at the “old me,” I am thankful to be following Him in the right direction and to lead others to the Cross of our Savior.

            I learned to be aware of the enemy’s real attempts to distract, dishearten, and hopefully defeat any person who has said yes to Jesus, yes to defending the Gospel, and yes to Ministry Training to better sustain and raise up others. I am retired U.S. Army, I now wear the uniform of the LORD’s Army, and the enemy is aware of who I am. The great news is that the enemy is already defeated. I deny his attempts to influence me, I am a child of God, and I am a soldier for Christ.

Christian Leaders Institute Quality Ministry Degree – Quality

I believe the academic coursework at CLI is high quality and aims at producing a well-rounded Servant Leader who strives to be the Message in Christ. To be the hands and feet of the Lord, going forward in a local community, and inviting people home to His safety, and church family. From my morning prayer, I stand ready to be relational and learn whatever lesson God has for me. I can put ministry training to work in life and be the same person publically as I am private, a follower of Jesus Christ who is in a relationship with him.  I Praise the Lord for His kindness to my family and myself.

What I have learned by taking the  Christian Leaders Institute Quality Ministry Degree and how this Degree has impacted me, and those around me.

What surprises me is how others have seen the impact of God, and Ministry Training in my life, while I am unaware of their assessment. I had completed many CLI courses as I aimed at the goal of a Degree, and serving God in a bigger way for Veterans. Unknowingly to me, those who were always observing my passion for ministry and scripture study were being impacted by the Lord.  My wife, family, and friends made kind comments, but tangible things also occurred that were surprising. I enrolled in the CLI Deacon Minister course and received three kind letters of recommendation that were very emotional for me. I am very grateful to my Senior Pastor, my Associate Pastor, and my Wife for their support. During the last week of the Ordination Course, I was nominated as a local Church Deacon with elections to follow shortly. I asked to have my CLI course completion not talked about until after the elections. What followed was I was elected as a Christian Life Center Deacon and Christian Leaders Alliance Deacon. It was pointed out at the Church Ceremony that the number eighteen is the year of Blessing, and I received a Double Blessing that day. God Blesses my being there for others, and accepting the Divine Appointments He places before me. I have the privilege to be part of the Church Altar team for welcoming new believers, and just being present for any who need prayer. I can go forward in local church outreach ministries to impact our community. I pray I am a good investment and steward to what God has provided for me. I would not be at this transitional point without Jesus, the support of my family and the local church, and the Free Ministry Training from Christian Leaders Institute. CLI keeps me engaged in a study to become the servant leader that God intends me to be. I cling to Phil1:6, personalizing it, “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in (me) will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” I want others to know what Jesus has done for me, and what He is continuing to do in me, is available to them!!!

I enjoyed the Deacon Minister Ordination Course. When I enrolled in it, I had already accumulated over fifty units of study at CLI. This course was the assimilation of prayer, scripture study, and the Directional Blessing of God through the witness and testimony of others. There were so many convicting thoughts to reflect on as I studied the Leadership Guidelines of 1Tim3, Titus1, and the additional scriptural verses discussed in the course. I took extra time to reflect and pray as to whether I had any bitter roots that needed healing. I prayed repentantly and sought forgiveness for things I may be unaware of.  It was a course that placed me in deep prayerful thought as to my worthiness. I humbly proclaim that I am not worthy of anything, Jesus is worthy, He makes me acceptable, and I stay focused on Him.

In the Old Testament Literature, History, and Theology course, I connected with Dr. Hildebrandt’s style and interesting stories that helped to illustrate the points he was making.  He shared Scripture with real-world experiences that were thought-provoking. Reflecting on Moses pleads for the people, to always be mindful of the power and connection of our prayers. Our God of Grace knows our hearts and is listening to our petitions.  He will take the very best actions, from His perspective, for us.  I agree, “Prayer matters, Prayer changes things, and Prayer makes the difference, yet there are consequences for our decisions.” If we connect our praying with spending more time listening to God, (scripture study), all will go much better for us. Let us aim, at walking in the attributes of Jesus, in becoming more Christ-like, and in becoming a healing presence in this world.

The most challenging for me in taking the Christian Leaders Institute Quality Ministry Degree 

Every course I took had its own unique set of challenges. At the end of the day I am physically tired, yet energized when studying courses, and working with the Lord. I must start with prayer and my daily Bible verse studies. I learned to become a better listener, to merge listening, reading, and visuals when available. I always try to approach the test time in a quiet atmosphere and just take the test. I answer everything I can and return to the difficult questions. I did read things into questions or read a question too quickly. I had to learn to be patient, to relax more, and to be mindful of the tests time constraints. I am still working on that lesson for continued study.

The ministry applications I have noticed.

Things just seem to continue to grow in a simultaneous application. I serve my church with the Altar Team, and I support my Pastor’s outreach vision. We currently completed two community outreach programs. We just started a Sonday “Meet and Greet” located on the sidewalk at the front of our Church, serving coffee and donuts. We welcome anyone to just “chat”, with a joyful invitation to join the Worship Service at 10 am. We also have an ongoing outreach in the park across from our Church for the community. When scheduled, I can facilitate Men’s Bible Study Wednesday evenings, and we refer to it as SWAT, (sons with a tenacity), aiming at becoming better men. I have also been invited to participate in partnering church outreach programs for the homeless. To reach out to feed them both physically and spiritually. God is good, what a privilege to serve.

Another aspect of my ministry journey is to find that God places people behind the scenes to work for my good. Our Church Family, “Declares Ephesians 3:20 over our life. That God will do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I ask or think. Because “I HONOR HIM,” His blessings will chase me down and overtake me. I will be in the right place at the right time. People will go out of their way to be good to me. I am surrounded by GOD’s Favor. This Is My Declaration!”

God chased me down with, a calling to Chaplaincy, local Church mentors, opportunities to serve, and a Ministry for Veteran Outreach that is currently in progress. To make all of this a reality He provided me “Free” Ministry Training from Christian Leaders Institute. I am well aware that generous people are working behind the scenes, investing their time and finances in me, and I am deeply grateful. In this year of double-blessing, May Our LORD give them a double blessing this year, 2018!!!

Christian Leaders Institute Quality Ministry Degree – Impact of Education

This education opportunity is not just for those like David who desire an Associate or Bachelor degree. If you want to take our free ministry classes, you are invited to take over 180 hours of instruction. These classes are bringing about many certificates and degrees. Click here to see the global impact.

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