Called Revival Leader

Called Revival Leader

My name is Mark Fitzgerald, and I am a called revival leader. I was born in and currently live in Houston, Texas. I am an artist, engineer, musician, and producer. At this time, I am the pianist at Pilgrim Journey Baptist Church in Richmond, Texas. I have one beautiful daughter.

The last child of my father, who, in total, has thirteen children, I was born in 1997. I grew up in my family church. My father was a deacon there, and my grandmother was the secretary and a Sunday School teacher. After my mother and father split up, I lived with my father. I was diagnosed with ADD and took medicine in elementary school for it. Then in middle school, I was able to control my attention span and got off it.

Life in Christ

As I grew, my father saw how education wasn’t my strong point. He saw my gifted areas. I gave my life to Christ at an early age. In school, people called me “church boy.” I started in service to God by playing the drums, learning from my cousin. Later, I learned how to play the piano and took on other responsibilities in the church, such as operating the sound system during service.

In my teenage years, I went through various trials. My character was tested. I lost a lot of things in my life, including my apartment, money, and even my father on April 7, 2017. God was the only one on whom I could depend. I was without physical support. My grandmother told me, “Don’t forget what Mama taught you in Sunday school.”

I went through experiences, not understanding why. Slowly, it was revealed to me that all things on this earth perish, but the fruit of God is everlasting. These experiences also allowed me to understand the importance of surrendering to God’s will. I started experiencing many things that allowed me to understand the peace and joy of God in my life. These experiences allowed me to get to know God for myself versus knowing of Him.

Called Revival Leader Training at CLI

These experiences allowed me to see how God had a calling on my life. When I was in high school, I stopped my ex-girlfriend from committing suicide. After I graduated, I ended up in a very similar situation, trying to prevent a former friend from committing suicide. People who were strangers came to me and shared how they felt and what they were going through. There were occasions where people in prayer groups asked me to pray for them after the assembly. I couldn’t understand why people came to me.

So I prayed for God to give me understanding. He revealed to me that people who were seeking change and revival had to go to someone who knows where to find change and revival. Now, I am seeking further training in ministry at Christian Leaders Institute to prepare me to be a revival leader. I am excited to see where God leads me to serve Him!

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