Calixte Jesutola Fadeyi

Calixte Jesutola Fadeyi of South Africa was able to pursue his calling as a preacher and leader of the church despite not having the finances needed to attend a traditional seminary. He was able to receive training that was much needed in order to best pursue his calling through a Bible School that reaches South Africa through the internet. At Christian Leaders Institute, he doesn’t need to pay any tuition, books, or associated fees for classes. This is why he can study at CLI as long as he can afford a basic internet connection.

Calixte Jesutola Fadeyi Shares His Ministry Journey

Calixte Jesutola FadeyiI’m living in South Africa and doing my ministry as I can by praying and preaching for people because I haven’t yet opened my church.

I knew the Lord since a young age, but my love to Him was not as strong as it is now. When tribulations, difficulties, and afflictions started, I looked for the ways to get out of these issues what made me visiting churches.There,they revealed to me that I’m “anointed.” I didn’t believe or take  sincerely this revelation,but problems were getting worst.I went back to those churches asking for the assistance in prayer. They assuring me that the only solution is to work for God as he chooses me as his Messenger or Pastor. And, despite my stubbornness, he has saved from a lot of difficulties as sickness, accident, and attacks from darkness forces.

My primarily dream is to open church and continue studying at Christian Leaders Institute until I get all the Certificates.

Most of people who know me are calling me “Pastor” or “Man of the Lord” because of my activities of praying and preaching to them.

The positive answer that God is always giving to my prayers for people especially healing, deliverance, encourages me to pursue my ministry. I feel happy when people are healed through prayers.

The challenge which I’m facing is that some people don’t like to listen to the preaching except prophecies or when they are seeking something from God.

Actually, I was attending roman catholic church, but now I belong to an evangelic church.

Some of my family members were not surprised that I am pursuing ministry because of my behaviors since my small age and my late mother wished me to become Priest.

My hope is to get this scholarship at Christian Leaders Institute in order to fulfill my dreams because my financial situation is not balanced.

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