Bible Training School

Bible Training School

Graduates of any level at Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) are encouraged to start Bible Training School in their own church or area. This Bible training school could have only 1 enrollee or hundreds. At Christian Leaders Institute this is simple to do at a local level. We beam ministry training everywhere on earth that the Internet exists. You gather others who are interested in attending your Bible training school in your area. Everyone who attends signs up to get a CLI account. You meet when you want, maybe once a week or twice a month to encourage each other in your studies online. This encouragement and accountability bring much success in completing Bible studies.

When a  Bible training school is started by a local church, this school also has the benefit of mentorship and opportunities provided by the local pastors and leaders. This is a win-win for the students and the local church.

Christian Leaders Institute graduates are starting Bible training schools called mentor centers everywhere. In some places they are even providing internet connections for students to watch videos and take tests. Check out this Facebook home page in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. 

Read the graduate testimony of pastor Callie Broughton. She has a dream of starting a Bible Training school in West Palm Beach, Florida. Here is her story:

Pastor Callie Broughton pursues hopes of opening a Bible Training School.

Hi, my name is Callie Mae Broughton and I presently live in West Palm Beach, Florida, United States. I am married and the mother of eight children who are all grown up.

I am the third from the last of nine children; two brothers, six sisters. I grew up living between Shawnee Farms, Florida and Cassville, New York until I was ten years old. My family continued residence in Shawnee Farms, Florida until the passing of my father. My parents James and Nellie Broughton are both now deceased.

While growing up I was taught the Bible and taken to church regularly. At the age of ten a personal tragedy took place while my family and I were in Cassville, New York. This put me in the hospital for approximately a month and ultimately changed the course of my life. The Lord appeared to me in the hospital and let me know that He was with me. I was young and didn’t really know God, but He saw to it that I learned of Him.

I became very curious about God and from that time on I couldn’t stop thinking about Him. I began studying the Bible and asking questions. The more I learned about God the more inquisitive I became. As I grew in the Word of God I began to hear the voice of God speaking to me at times. I couldn’t believe that was what was happening at first. He continued to speak to me often and I finally became convinced that it was God who was speaking to me. My love for God grew tremendously and since that time God’s presence has been my comfort and peace. I continue to study, pray, and learn more about God’s Word.

I became very active in the church and by the time I was 21, I was licensed as a missionary endorsed by two bishops of the attending church. Later, I moved to West Palm Beach, Florida. In West Palm Beach I started a program called “Save the Children that are caught between the gap”. The program is to help teens and working mothers who can’t afford after school childcare but need to work and support their children often on odd or inconvenient shift hours.

I now feel compelled to open a Bible Training School in our church for anyone interested in knowing more about Jesus Christ and furthering their walk. I want to help equip others, especially the younger generation. They greatly need to be encouraged and mentored in life and in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There are more young people at our church than older ones. I want to be as effective as possible in reaching out to our younger generation.

I believe continuing my spiritual growth and education with Christian Leaders Institute can help me to be a greater benefit to our community and the Kingdom of God in my dream to start a Bible training school in my area. It is awesome to have the support and assistance I found through Christian Leaders Institute.

Pastor Callie Broughton

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