Bible School Leader Education

Join today and receive a scholarship towards pursuing Bible School Leader Education and being a part of the spread of the Christian revival. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers the ability to earn a scholarship for high-quality online ministry training. This training allows you  CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student’s testimony below who found CLI and is using the scholarship for pursuing women’s ministry leadership training. 

Hello, my name is April Lookabill. I live in the United States of America. God has blessed this country to allow us the freedom to worship and share God with others openly. God protected me all my life from the sins of the world. My parents taught us about the Lord, but we did not go to church when I was little. When I enter high school, we started attending church and the LORD saved me on March 29, 1998, when I was 18 years old.
I have a dream of teaching children and women in my area about Christ. I want to write bible studies and children books to share my Lord with others. By taking the starter class with CLI, I have only grown stronger. Through the course, God has opened my eyes to many things that I never saw before. Things that I have questioned about myself have been answered by our Lord. I see myself as more of a youth leader in the church. I have always loved teaching and I do have a teaching degree. I homeschool my children and I also am teaching Hebrew to a youth class at church this year. These experiences bring me great joy. There are a lot of poor children and poor families in our area that need extra teachings and help with food and daily needs. The bible is with me everywhere I go. This is a transformation in my life. I have found that not only is god with me spiritually, but physically. My pastor has welcomed me under his wing along with the ladies study group at my church. It gives me great hope and joy to know they support me. My husband and children are behind me 100 % and that is making me want my spiritual dreams to come true more. CLI and the bible school leader education they offer is helping my follow my dreams.

This scholarship means so much to me and my family. I am a stay at home mom and I homeschool my children. My family and I rely on my husband’s income. Without CLI offering this to me, I would not be able to fulfill my dream. My family, my church, and I can always use your prayers and support . The families in our area can always use prayer also.

Check out more stories about CLI students pursuing bible school leader education, becoming a leaders in Christian ministry, and much more on the CLI Facebook page

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