Port Harcourt has a population of over 1,000,000 people and is the 5th largest populated area in Nigeria. Port Harcourt was founded in 1913 to be a port for coal transportation. This port is now a key oil industry port for Nigeria.  The religious make up of Port Harcourt is polarizing consisting of Christians, Muslims and Other Religions.

Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) is opening a Bible School in Port Harcourt beginning January 1, 2014. This Bible School in Port Harcourt will be a local Mentor Center or Study Center of CLI.  An entire Bible school course of study will be available online, but students will gather at the study center to process their online education. This allows accountability and encouragement that brings online Bible training into a geographic location.

This study center is being started by local ordained leader Godswill Alao Jr.  Godswill is a pastor of King’s Word Ministries in Port Harcourt. He began studying at CLI in May of 2012 and is a graduate of Christian Leaders Institute who is still progressing on to more Bible School in Port Harcourtadvanced diplomas.

Godswill came to know the Lord from a personal encounter with Him after a period of seeking Him in fasting, studying and prayer. He writes, “It is my ministry dream with a burden for missions to nations in Africa and the unreached people of other nations preaching and declaring the saving power and grace of Jesus as a shinning light over a dark generation.”

Godswill Alao Jr. is called to begin a local study center of Christian Leaders Institute in Port Harcourt.  After a time of vetting and conversation, CLI is pleased to authorize Godswill to offer this Bible School in Port Harcourt beginning in 2014.

This Bible School in Port Harcourt will function as an outlet of the online ministry training of Christian Leaders Institute. The Harcourt Study Center will have a governing board independent of Christian Leaders Institute.

Hybrid Bible School in Port Harcourt

This Bible School in Port Harcourt is a combination of web based learning with local mentoring relationships. Students will study on their own during the week. On the weekend students gather at the study center to process their learning. This process could include taking the insights learned in their online studies and bringing those insights into a mentoring environment. For instance, students can take the preaching class online. They can receive training online and now they have a local outlet in a local indigenous culture to process and practice what they have learned online. The web learning and local learning come together in this hybrid Bible School in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

If you are in the Port Harcourt area email livingprophet2000@yahoo.com

Like the Bible School in Port Harcourt at Facebook. Click here.

Bible School Study Centers Everywhere

Christian Leaders Institute is seeking to offer Study Centers everywhere. Mentor Centers or Study Centers are being started with a local ordained leader who applies at CLI.  Each study center or mentor center leader must meet certain qualification in order to start a center. Please email CLI president’s office at hreyenga@christianleaders.net to indicate your interest in starting a study center.


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