Bible Education Free

Bible Education Free

I am a Canadian and am excited to receive CLI’s Bible education free. I was born in Sarnia, Ontario. I am the fourth of five children (my older brother died of heart complications at about a month old). My parents were divorced by the time I was 4 years old. My 2 older sisters (aged 6 and 8 at the time) went to live with my dad as he felt they were old enough to care for themselves and therefore less work for him. As my younger sister and I were so young and unable to care for ourselves, my dad didn’t want us and so we went to live with my mom. We tended to move around a lot as my father changed jobs a lot and my mother moved as well in order to stay close to my older sisters. Shortly, after my parents’ divorce, my mother met my step-father.

As a means of childcare, my mother took us every Sunday to the local Baptist church. It was there that I found a different kind of love and support than that which I received at home. I became a Christian at a young age (grade 2) in Sunday school and was baptized and sought church membership at the age of 13. I felt God’s calling at a young age and as a teenager dedicated my life to do what God led me to do.

As life tends to happen, I grew away from the Lord in my teen years and early adult life. I moved into a group home and was introduced to a different lifestyle than I was used to of smoking, drugs, and alcohol, but God never gave up on me or left me. He eventually pulled me back to him and with acceptance and love for me. At the age of 20, I met my husband (who at the time was not a Christian). We married shortly afterward and had 2 children. My daughter Madison (who passed away December 19, 2017, at 18 years old from complications of epilepsy) was special needs (she had high functioning autism and epilepsy). My son Derek is 22 years old and has numerous learning and physical special needs.

Currently, I serve within my church in various capacities: as a greeter, an usher, on the finance committee and as a teller (counting the weekly offerings). However, I feel God is calling me to one of two ministries, either ministering to special needs adults or with parents who have lost children. I have experience in both these areas being a parent of special needs children and also losing a daughter at such a young age. I feel God allowed these experiences in my life so that I can minister to and be a blessing to other people who have had similar experiences. At this time, my church is working towards starting a grief support program. Along with one of our pastors, my husband and I are looking to facilitate this program to support people within our church as well as others in the community.

I believe that learning more about God and his word will be a good foundation to be able to support either ministry that God calls me to. So I searched and found Christian Leaders Institute offering online Bible education free. As I prepared to take courses with CLI, my church has been an encouragement and has also committed to being available to answer any questions I might have. CLI’s Bible education free is important to me as I cannot afford at this time to be able to pay for Bible College. We have to support our adult special needs son. Bible education free at CLI allows me to concentrate on my studies without having to worry about how I will pay for it. God always provides a way for his plans!

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