Youth Outreach Ministry

Youth Outreach Ministry

Greetings and Shalom to all who read this. My name is Michelle. I live in the southern corner of Western New York, where I believe Revival will start for America! Becoming an ordained Deacon Minister will greatly assist me in the calling the Lord has placed on me. I have been praying for the revival fire and cleansing power to hit this area, especially with the youth. I have been working as a youth leader along with my husband and another local couple through a youth outreach ministry called “Teens on Fire.” This youth outreach ministry has been in operation for almost 20 years, and just recently my husband and I were called to lead it. This ordination will help me better serve the youth by teaching them how to honor the Lord through communion. And the second way this will assist me is by giving me the knowledge and credentials to start a youth-led outreach ministry. The Lord has given me a vision for youth leading worship, teaching the Word to their peers, and praying for each other. I see this happening through the Teens on Fire youth group. This will be their outreach ministry with us adults mentoring them.

When I reflect on my personal testimony, I would have to say I do not remember a time in my life that I didn’t believe in Jesus Christ. My grandfather was a minister and my family attended his church when I was a child. As I became a teenager, I developed my relationship with Jesus on a deeper level. I led a girl’s Bible study and was part of the church dance team. As I grew older, there was a period of time that I rebelled and thought I could do things my way. Through this time my faith in who Jesus is never changed. I would describe this time as if God was an umbrella over me, and I chose to move away from His umbrella. Hardship came and hard lessons had to happen, but through those hard times, I began to realize that His ways are much higher than mine. I began to seek Him again in my later twenties.

My husband and I have raised all four of our children in the Christian faith. We have served as a family in our church and community in many different avenues by helping with kids church, greeting ministry, worship team, sound, and camera, encouraging card ministry, janitorial duties, leading Bible studies and pretty much anything that has been a need within our local church community. My husband and I founded a Nonprofit 501(c)3 community center in our community. Our vision for the center is to offer a safe place for youth and their families; space for County agencies to provide their services to our rural surrounding communities, and the headquarters of Teens on Fire.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank the Christian Leaders Institute for this opportunity to grow deeper in my walk with the Lord. I believe the Lord showed me the way to this school and am eternally grateful. You have asked what specific things to pray for in our ministry calling. I would say that number one would be that hearts be prepared to be ministered to and to have the co-laborers gathered to do the work of the Lord. Another critical part is to have the funds to accomplish this youth outreach ministry vision.

Learn about minister ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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