Worship Leader

Worship Leader

My name is Renee Hopper and I am studying to become an ordained worship leader. I currently live in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and am part of the Mustang, Oklahoma community. I am the worship leader at Freedom Fellowship Church in Mustang. I sing, play the keyboard, and am developing my skills as a songwriter. I am also a 3rd grade public school teacher in Mustang. I am a wife, mother of three amazing kids, and Nana to two beautiful grandbabies.

I was adopted by my grandparents when I was two years old. I grew up in the Assemblies of God and Non-Denominational churches. We attended church faithfully and were very involved with our church communities. I accepted Christ as my personal Savior at a Vacation Bible School in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma at the age of five. As soon as I was old enough, I began helping and serving at my church in the children’s programs, teaching kids in Sunday school and Missionettes, and leading them in praise and worship during children’s church. I was actively involved in girls’ choir, drama teams, a traveling puppet ministry, and church orchestra.

My heart for ministry started when I was very young. I can’t ever remember a time in my life that I didn’t have a song on my lips. As a young child, I couldn’t wait to find my friends on the playground or at church so we could get together and sing or play school. I started trying to play the piano when I was a toddler and learned a few things from my mom and sister in my younger years. I began taking piano and voice lessons at the age of 12 when I told my mom I might need these lessons in case I was going to marry a Pastor.

All through the years I have played the keyboard, led praise and worship, served on praise teams and in other areas of church ministry including Missionettes, teaching Sunday School, serving in Puppet Team Ministry, Drama Team, Orchestra – Keyboardist, Choir, Passion Play, Worship Team for Juvenile Detention Ministry, Children’s Church ministry, and Burn 24/7 –  A city-wide worship and prayer outreach ministry. I have continued to follow my heart for ministry even through some very difficult setbacks and devastating times in my life. I have used these times to grow and strengthen my faith and trust in God.

I am very thankful for the opportunity to grow in ministry through Christian Leaders Institute. I am seeking ordination to continue on my path of becoming a Worship Pastor. I am also seeking education in the area of counseling to help my team as they become leaders, and to minister to others in our congregation and community. This opportunity for free online education is extremely valuable for me as I am recovering and rebuilding from a recent devastating financial crisis.

Learn about minister ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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