
“My ministry goal is to go back to my community and expand God’s kingdom by recruiting and training young men and women and then sending them to the unreached areas where people are still spiritually hungry, and they will be fed with the Word.”

My Dream to Reach the Unreached for Christ

My name is Kefas S. Julde. I am Nyandang by the tribe which is predominantly located in the Taraba and Adamawa states of Nigeria. I’m happily married and blessed with two children. I currently live in the federal capital city Abuja, Nigeria.

I’m currently working in the city as a security personnel, but this wasn’t my initial plan when I was a kid. My ambition was to go to college to study the Word, but due to financial constraints, I was unable to attend higher education. My father was a primary education teacher and local Catholic church catechist. He passed on in 2017 leaving behind my 3 siblings and my mother, and early this year my elder brother also passed on after a brief illness.

As a teenager. I followed my parents to the community Catholic church. As I began to grow up and become exposed to more, I realized that my life was not improving positively. I was spiritually handicapped because most of the church members and even the elders and the leaders of the church were all drunkards, womanizers, adulterers, and they practice witchcraft and sorcery. I was worried about their lifestyle, claiming to be serving God while serving demons at the same time. I understood clearly the Bible says that we are to “serve God in spirit and in truth” and we can’t serve two gods at the same time. I quit the church to attend another church of God.

What touched my mind more and what made me give my life to Jesus Christ was that during my wayward life as an unbeliever, good people around me were dying. These were devoted and committed Christians that did nothing but they are gone or have been involved in serious accidents. But I am still alive and healthy, this is unmerited grace and favor!

My ministry goal is to go back to my community and expand God’s kingdom by recruiting and training young men and women. Then, send them to the unreached areas where people are still spiritually hungry and they need to be fed with the Word.

The free ministry training here at Christian Leaders Institute will help me build my knowledge for the gospel and also be more confident while administering His Word. It will also enable me to be recognized as a trained Christian Leader worldwide.

May God in His infinite mercy bless the entire leadership of CLI and grant us our heart’s desires in Jesus name.

Read how you can become Ordained Leaders through Christian Leaders Alliance.

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