Free Ministry Training To equip you as a Christian Leader

Enroll in over 90+ free ministry classes and earn awards, certificates, ordinations, diplomas, and degrees

100% Online Program

Study anywhere at anytime

Dozens of Credential Opportunities

Earn various ministry credentials onlinee

Completely Free Study Program

90+ Free High-Quality Classes

CLI Map Showing Students Worldwide (1)

Mission Impact

Since 2001 Christian Leaders Institute has enrolled over 250,000 CLI students around the globe.

We currently have over 24,000 graduates in over 180 countries.

Our mission is to provide free and formal ministry training and raise up leaders for Christ worldwide and make it accessible to everyone everywhere.

Our Program

Christian Leaders Institute is an online ministry training program that offers over 90+ free Christian courses and over 120+ ministry credentials. We are accredited through the International Association of Bible Schools and Seminaries (IABCS) and the Academic Council for Educational Accountability (ACEA), we also have received applicant status for USDE-recognized accreditation through the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE).

Bible School Program

The Classes

We offer over 90+ free, high-quality, online Christian classes. You can enroll in any class you want and study at your own pace anywhere you can connect to the internet. Some of the topics covered in these classes are dozens of ministry roles/callings, the Bible, theology, general education courses and much much more! These classes will grow you in your personal faith as you study the Word of God in-depth, they will also train and equip you in the ministry role that God is calling you to pursue.

To view all the courses we offer, click the Course Catalog button below.

The Credentials

We offer over 120+ credentials within ministry that will give you biblical training within hundreds of ministry fields or roles. If you are called to go into ministry and are seeking training, our credentials will help provide you with credibility in your calling and the knowledge and training needed to lead in a Godly and biblical manner.

Click any of the credentials we offer below to learn more about what is available in each category and what courses are required to earn them

Read Hundreds of 5-star reviews and recommendations by graduates around the world

"What you read about and what you see presented IS exactly as stated. This isn’t a watered-down program. Often we see the possibility as “free” as too good to believe. In this case, these are genuine fully legitimate programs. Don’t wait dig in. I have other degrees from traditional Universities. My Masters work was at a traditional university. The programs presented at CLI rival anything else I’ve done. The LORD works through this ministry."
Christian Ferris
Christian Ferris
College Graduate

Get Started In Three Easy Steps​

1. Click The Button Below: After you click the button to get started you will be sent to fill out a student application form.

2. Fill Out The Student Application Form: To create your student account you will need to fill out your name and create a username and password. This account is used for you to keep track of your progress as you go throughout the program. It is also used to let you pick up right where you left off in your studies.

3. Take Our Quick Getting Started Course: After you create your student account you will be enrolled automatically into our Getting Started Course. This course is designed to teach you all the basics of CLI as well as how to navigate throughout the program. After you complete this quick course you will be able to figure out if CLI is the right fit for you.

To Get Started, Click The Button Below To Create Your Student Account And Begin The Getting Started Course

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+1 (616) 777-0305

Read Our Graduate Stories

Chaplain in Hospice

Chaplain in Hospice

I am Brenda Gonzales from Emmetsburg, Iowa, USA. A student at the Christian Leaders Institute, I am studying to be a chaplain in a hospital

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