revival ministry leadership

Revival Ministry Leadership preparation with CLI is a blessing to many! We provide free online ministry training to EVERY ONE who enrolls! We are building up Revival Leaders across the world to bring more people into a beautiful relationship with Christ and with one whom we call Father!

Revival Ministry Leadership- Building Up Christian Leaders

My name is Charles Ocheltree, I am 45 years old, married, have three adult boys and live in the U.S.A.. I have been a believer for nine years and have increasingly felt I needed to lead a life of submission and service. In my former life, I bought into the lie that this life is all there is and money and success were the keys to happiness, as a result my marriage and my children suffered. Unfortunately, my children are still paying the consequences. At the age of 35 I felt a real sense of dissatisfaction with my life and began to question everything I thought I believed. I stumbled into a local church one week and was soon convicted of my need for a savior. My eyes were opened to the truth of the Word of God and my life has never been the same since.

Several years after my new birth, I began to teach the teen Sunday school classes and Awana, and made several mission trips to other countries where I hope to revisit soon. Currently, my wife and I are empty nesters and I am struggling, I feel like I have one foot in the world and one in the Kingdom. I have been feeling a strong prodding to make myself more available for service and consequently have made some changes. New church, new job and with an ever-pressing burden for more service/ministry, I have enrolled in CLI. At this point I don’t have a clear vision of what God will call me to, but simply a desire to serve Him wherever is needed. I enjoy teaching ministries and know that the education I will receive from Christian Leaders Institute will better prepare me for that role.

I had been waiting for some time for God to give me direction when this quote, “Noah didn’t wait for his ship to come in, he built one,” made me realize that it’s time to get moving and equip myself to serve the Lord. I also want to know the Lord better through His word. I know we are all gifted to serve, I just want to do my part. I see opportunities to serve my congregation as we prepare to reproduce disciples. We are a young church, with a faithful and passionate pastor, and I am looking to God to grow our influence in our community. We have a heart for missions, both local and international, and will be coordinating with other churches and ministries to witness to the lost and bring comfort to the suffering. I have spoken to my pastor about my entering revival ministry leadership training at Christian Leaders Institute and have his support and encouragement and am looking forward to teaching when these ministries are needed in my church.

In the meantime, I will look for opportunities to respond to needs, as God reveals them to me. I feel an overwhelming desire to serve God because of what He has done for me. I believe it is our primary purpose in this life and I thank God for that truth. I am also thankful to Christian Leaders Institute for answering the call to train the leaders of tomorrow and for faithfully carrying the message of the cross to all the world. Their willingness to provide a much needed, accurate, Biblical education, is greatly appreciated. I look forward to serving our King in His ministry wherever it takes me, I just want to be faithful. Please pray that the Lord continues to lead me and reveals His plan for my life.

I feel an overwhelming desire to serve God because of what He has done for me. What could be better than Revival Ministry Leadership Training?

Like Charles, join our students and become like family with Christian Leaders Institute’s revival ministry leadership training! Our mission as pastors, evangelists, missionaries, etc. is to advance God’s kingdom! Be a part of such a beautiful task. With revival ministry leadership training, you too can bring revival to those God has put in your path! Click here to begin your free online training!

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