revival leaders

The Need For Revival Leaders Around The World

Revivals are seen as the restoration of the church itself to a vital and fervent relationship with God after a period of moral decline. Mass conversions of non-believers are viewed by revival leaders  as having positive moral effects. Revival leaders must be prepared with ministry training and be led by the Spirit of God to undergo such a great task for the Lord.

With Christian Leaders Institute, we are doing just that! We are here and ready to equip all called people by God to be built up in the kingdom to be powerful revival leaders of the world and around the world. Our ministry training is available completely online with all classes given to our students for FREE! Join us for an amazing opportunity to transform the lives of many!

South African Revival Leaders Train For The Ministry Field With CLI

My name is Omphile Sekgarametso, I am residing in South Africa, North West province, in Mafikeng. I am born in a family of 3 children. I am still a student, and not married.

I came to meet with the Lord in 2011 after returning from a peer camp that we went to as a school, after hearing the messages of one of the brothers and being pleased by his way of living, I was convicted and converted to Jesus Christ. Since then I have been devoting myself into the studying of the scriptures and prayer.

I am a youth leader in the church I am submitting under. By calling I am an evangelist, it was prophesied and confirmed to me.

The village I am located in which is Motsoseng there are churches, but they are not preaching the pure gospel of Jesus Christ. Many people know little about Jesus Christ, and they do not have a relationship with Him.

I began to sense God’s calling upon my life the same year I opened my heart for the Lord Jesus, and acknowledged Him as the Lord and Savior of my life. In the same year, I began doing morning sermons at the assembly of the school I was in, even at high school.

The church [ministry] has put me in a mentorship program which is meant to train us into being youth leaders. We are also given platforms to take out what God has bestowed in us. I was even asked earlier in 2014 to preach 2 days at a 3 days open air-outreach.

I have a passion to see many turning to righteousness that is in Jesus Christ. My ministry goal is to conduct more of street evangelism, house-to-house evangelism, open-air outreaches, revivals and crusades. The coming of the Lord Jesus is at hand, so we must win more souls.

In 2013, I began evening devotions and prayer with my parents and they have since given their lives to Jesus Christ. I was the first person to be born-again in my family.

Receiving the scholarship from Christian Leaders Institute will help me a lot. It will help in equipping and training me for the ministry work. It will help me to get more understanding of the word of God. It will also help me to become an evangelists who brings rejoicing in heaven.

Calling All Future Revival Leaders

Transform lives with other revival leaders in the ministry field! Prepare under CLI’s free online ministry training that is available to many all around the world! CLI is here to build up God’s called revival leaders! Click here to enroll today. Also, check us out on Facebook!

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