quality ministry training

Christian Leaders Institute started small. Initially, it was just the determination of Henry Reyenga to provide quality ministry training to the world. But his determination was from God, and as time went on, more people joined his team.

Today, Christian Leaders Institute offers quality ministry training to students at no cost to them. These students come from all walks of life and all backgrounds. Even educated students come to CLI and see the quality ministry training that we provide.

Robert Fieldhouse is one such student. He came to Christian Leaders Institute with a doctorate. But Robert found that the quality ministry training at CLI still had a lot to offer him.

Robert found his way to ministry through immense personal strife. He went from an affluent home to a fizzled-out military career. From faith in his youth to tears of repentance before the altar in his later years. But when God called Robert to the mission field, he recognized his need for quality ministry training. When he found Christian Leaders Institute, he discovered that it was possible to get this quality ministry training without the tens of thousands that had to be spent on traditional schools.

My name is Robert Fieldhouse. I was born in Miami, Florida, in the United States of America. My family life, up to this point, was pretty average for an upper middle-class family of 5. I am the youngest of 3 siblings. My father had the money, time, connections, and the desire to enjoy, as well as share the material benefits. My mother all of that as well, plus strong convictions of our heavenly Father. We were all very active in our church as most of our neighborhood was. Well… maybe not so much my father. From him I learned skepticism and the mixed blessing of questioning and having reservations before committing. From my mother I learned faith and the love of God. I recall having and expressing the desire to become a minister.

Next, it appeared the world was being shaken up and all that I knew and depended on was eroding. Many years of walking around with a psychedelic gleam in my eyes searching for “truth” proved futile. The Viet Nam war was in full swing and my brother was there. He was hurt and my outlook on life changed. I joined the United States Marine Corps having full faith in my government and its leaders. Upon entering, I was outfitted with what I needed and to my surprise I was given a small pocket Bible! I began Sunday worship service (again). The point was made to me that there are no atheists in a foxhole! Unfortunately, I began to backslide again. I made some poor decisions, got hurt and was ultimately released from the Marine Corps. I continued to make poor choices and half-heartedly tried to find my way back to Christ Jesus.

Years later I found myself (again) in a rehab facility. Where are you God? You promised to never leave me nor forsake me! Where are you God? How can a loving God allow me to suffer this much physically and mentally for so long? Where are you? There was a small chapel at that facility, and for some reason, I was drawn to go in. I was the only person in the chapel so I walked to the front and again I asked the question… Where are you God? You promised to never leave me nor forsake me! I was prostrate on the floor at the foot of the chapel alter. “Where are you God?” I cried out. Crying out… God either kill me or help me! God either kill me or help me! At that point I recall frightening groaning and guttural sounds coming from my mouth. I have no idea how long I was there, but I can recall an odd peace washing over me in waves that created “goose bumps.” The crying out ceased, the moaning ceased, and my tears stopped. Am I dead? Did I finally succeed in killing myself? No! As it turns out…I had to calm down and quit feeling so wrapped up in myself so that I could “hear” the quiet, comforting, and loving Word of God. I never left you or forsook you…you decided to walk away from me – I heard (sensed). I have been waiting for you and your decision Robert.

I still wrestle with sin. I am still in physical pain and disabled. But the HUGE difference now is that my heart, soul, and mind are at peace with the Father. I discovered through intense unbiased study and reflection directed and aided by the Holy Spirit that I had never really accepted God because I never really understood grace, justification, salvation, and therefore had never truly repented of all my sins.

Somehow… heavenly Father brought my attention to the Christian Leaders Institute. The Institute immediately became yet another Blessing from the Father. Taking my time and finding myself completely engrossed in the courses and links to additional research, Father has helped me fill a deep dark void that was in my heart for MANY years! Because of my disabilities I minister from home and when I am able to, I visit our hospital, hospice, and senior rehab units. I minister publicly wherever the Holy Spirit directs me.

After struggling through the physical requirements placed on me while undertaking a doctorate degree – as well as spending over $100,000.00, I never fully understood why I wasn’t satisfied with that training and indoctrination. The quality ministry training I have gained – at no charge – from Christian Leaders Institute has grounded me in solid knowledge and now…slowly – wisdom! I tell everyone, when given the opportunity, about Christian Leaders Institute! Even if Father hasn’t moved you to public ministry – the opportunity afforded anyone, anywhere with a computer connection is truly a blessing worth taking advantage of!

This will be my secondary ordination! I am sooo excited about this. I plan on continuing on for the degree program. After I finish all that there is being offered…I’ll most likely start all the courses over again! Before closing I would like to mention 3 more things. 1.) I heard from a church leader once that one should tithe where one is fed. Though I cannot be employed and live on VA and a small disability check – I tithe to Christian Leaders Institute. It might be a small amount every month but I am “being fed” like never before. I pray that my offering, though small, will help others. 2.) Whether you aspire to the ministry or not…remember and live by what we are told in 2 Timothy 4:2, “Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching” (KJV). 3.) “Jesus said to him, “’You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ “This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ “On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets” (Matt. 22:37-40, KJV).
From me to you – whoever and wherever you are…I pray our heavenly Father will keep you strong and multiply your Blessings!

Do you need quality ministry training? Would you like to support quality ministry training? Christian Leaders Institute provides quality ministry training at no cost to people all over the world. You can enroll and check it out for yourself, or you can give to support the continued offering of quality ministry training at no cost to students. Click here to enroll, or if you feel so led, click here to give to Christian Leaders Institute.

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