Quality Ministry Training Free

Quality Ministry Training Free at CLI

My name is Samuel Black, and I am receiving quality ministry training free at CLI. I’m 27 years old. For the better portion of my life, I’ve been dodging the call of God and not letting Him fully take over in my life. I am yielding to serve the Lord and pursue that call. May He guide me to do His will in whatever capacity He sees fit.

Christian Upbringing

I was born in La Crosse, WI, and reared by two of the most loving, devoutly Christian people I know. My father (pictured to the left) and I are very close. We love spending time talking about the Bible and Christian doctrine. He possesses a deep understanding of the Bible and has always been my mentor. My mother is supportive and is one that can recite most of the Proverbs from memory.

Having grown up in a Christian family, I didn’t take it as seriously as I should have, as it was all I ever knew. I had never known a life without Christian influence, and it was just commonplace. The last few years have been very trying times, but with prayer and the strength of the Holy Spirit, things are looking up.

Currently, I work at a sporting goods store. There I’m blessed with having Christian owners and a manager who is also the president of his church committee. Having management that aligns with Christian beliefs significantly improves the workplace environment. It allows me to speak about my faith freely and openly, without fear of persecution.

God’s Calling and Quality Ministry Training Free at CLI

Jeremiah 29:11 says that God knows the plans He has for me. I have faith in that promise. Trust that He will reveal to me those plans in due time. Over the years, I’ve picked up a little knowledge here, and a little knowledge there, but not a well-trained understanding. That’s why quality ministry training and instruction for free is so necessary. Christian Leaders Institute fills this need for me! I hope to use this training as a way to enter the ministry and allow God to use me wherever He may lead.

I am a helpless sinner, incapable of righteousness, so I pray that the Holy Spirit comes upon me and guides me and works through me.

Learn about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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