Pastor Ministry Training

Pastor Ministry Training

Become a leader in Pastor Ministry Training today. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student’s testimony in South Africa below who found CLI a tool to strengthen his relationship wtih God and become a strong leader of Christianity:

I was born 1977 in South Africa and raised in a Christian family and my father was a principled Anglican church leader. I got introduced to Christianity at a young age, through regular evening prayers and Bible readings. Later at age 12, I served as an Alter boy. It is quite fascinating how wearing an alter-boy cloak influenced my inner wish to be a pastor, by then I saw myself leading the congregation as my ultimate goal and later as I grew older, 21, was being mentored in Cathedral leadership.

At that age, I had already started my tertiary studies holding Audio-Visual Communication certificate and wanted to pursue Information Technology, which I accomplished in December 2000.
Relocating from Taung as my hometown to Johannesburg to study, gave me the opportunity to visit other churches including Revival Ministries, Presbyterian, and apostolic. I, therefore, felt something different from what I had for the past years. My understanding of scriptures and Christianity enriched.

At age 25, I realized my calling and switched from Catholic and followed Apostolic faith mission, as I also found Africanising the worship fulfilling and mainly feeling pushed by the holy spirit to be part of the underserved indigenous denomination so that I share with them my walk and knowledge and start building a strong church.

I got married in Easter 2011 to a Jehovah’s witness. My background of being from an indigenous Apostolic faith mission was not well accepted by her family and her church unless I change to be a Jehovah’s witness. Also, the same applied to my family as they wanted her to join my church as traditional dictates. To me that was a total NO, I couldn’t allow a change to please people and told my wife that God will guide us through the holy spirit, and so we go separate ways on Sundays to worship that we both get spiritual fulfillment, and at home we find common grounds to teach our two kids the word of God.
I am currently working as a manager for Emergency Care Service for the Hospital laboratory to fend for my family and at church, I am serving presently as Evangelist.

After joining CLI, I gained more touching sermons and teachings and I just felt it is all propelled by the holy spirit, Philippians 4:13, and today at our church I am mentored to become a pastor next year.

CLI scholarship won’t just be a blessing to me, but the entire congregation that is looking forward to more informed and principled Christian leader. Most of our Pastors and Bishops haven’t got an opportunity to study theology, due to lack of funds and literacy, so my advantage in technology can be an advancement to an effective change in our ministry.the value of education and guidance yet to be received from CLI, shall be an honor to my area of practice and the community at large, and still I stand strong walking with God when I say I am poor, he says: I am with you. when I say,

The value of the education in pastor ministry training and the guidance that I will receive from CLI shall be an honor to my area of practice and the community at large, and still I stand strong walking with God when I say I am poor, he says: I am with you. when I say, say the doors are all closed, says: you will go through… Philippians 4:13 I can do all through the Lord who strengthen me.

Check out more stories about CLI students becoming leaders in pastor ministry training the on the CLI facebook page

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