Pastor Bible Education

Pastor Bible Education

My name is Sean Peffer. My brothers call me Breakdown. I am currently serving as a Chaplain in a national MC and I am receiving pastor Bible education at CLI. I was born in Pittsburgh and I still live in western Pennsylvania. I came to know Jesus when I was still a child, my parents had us in church regularly. When I got saved, I believed that was all that I needed, you know, I had my ticket to heaven and I could just live my life however I wanted and would go there when it was over. So that is how I was living.

A few years ago, my family went through some very troubled times and the Holy Spirit started challenging the way I was thinking about these things. He started showing me all the work that needs to be done in His Kingdom. He started revealing the plans that he has for me and I started paying attention. He placed some people in my life to further His cause and placed me in a position to serve as a Chaplain. I want to be the best that I can be in service to Him. I want to be prepared to possibly serve as a Pastor later on if that is the way that I am lead.

I am active in my local church and I have a lot of close friends in ministry. We support each other. I believe that taking this ministry training through Christian Leaders Institute will help me to be a better witness to those around me, both believers and nonbelievers. Not only will this build my confidence by increasing my knowledge of the Bible and church history but also my ability to relate to people.

I like the way this course emphasizes your walk with God and also the many other relationships, spouse, family, church and so on. I do spend time in my Bible and in prayer every day but also see the need to increase that time.

I believe that the church as a whole is sitting right on the edge of a great revival. The Bible tells us that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. I believe that God is right now calling out and qualifying a great many workers because time is running short, I believe that I am one of those being called.

I am very grateful to have found CLI for my pastor Bible education, having looked into similar training online I have been unable to find any that I could afford. One day, this just popped up in my newsfeed and even though I was skeptical, I am glad that I took the time to finish this class. I look forward to continuing on.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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