Online Bible Education

Online Bible Education

Read the story of Davis Asante Adjei of Brescia, Italy. See how free online Bible education at Christian Leaders Institute is blessing this young man as he seeks to keep Jesus at the center of his life and his calling to ministry.

Hello, wonderful brothers and sisters in the Lord. My name is Davis Asante Adjei and I am receiving a free online Bible education at Christian Leaders Institute. I was born in Accra, Ghana on the 26th of December in 1992. I have three brothers in my family. I came from a Christian family so from my youth I have always wanted to serve God and get to know more about Him. I also desire that the Lord will turn me into an instrument for him and use me to change the lives of the people I meet as I am in His service. I’m here at the Christian Leaders Institute because the calling of God is upon my life and no matter what I do I can feel it strongly within me.

My older brother Prince Martinson Adjei is also a student of this wonderful online Bible education school, and he has completed his courses of study already. I followed his advice to take this course for free ministry training at Christian Leaders Institute. I have been living in Brescia in Italy since 2007. My desire is for this free online Bible education course to help me and prepare me towards my ministry for God. I want Christ always to be at the center of my life as I serve Him. I want to go where He wants me to go and to serve who He shows me to serve.

Learn about local ecuminitry ordinations, mentor ministers, and ordained minister study programs with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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