Music Ministry Journey

Music Ministry Journey

My name is Byron Green and I have been on a music ministry journey. I was born in Florence, Alabama. As a child, I began to play and write music. Music was my first calling. It came so naturally. My father’s best friend was road production manager for “Little Richard”. I got to meet and greet with him at 14 years old in a very personal setting backstage. The odd thing about it was that he simply took my hands in his, bowed his head, and prayed that one day my hands would play for the Lord. I didn’t know God then. I thought he was a crazy person.

Fast forward a few years to graduation and the career began. Unfortunately, with no godly roots, it led me down a path of destruction. From 2005-2016, I traveled many places around the Southeast, leading people to sin. One night after two DUI arrests, watching my marriage fall apart and in the process of losing everything, I fell to my knees. I finally came to the realization that I wasn’t able. Praise God! His grace is sufficient! I came to know the Lord in a very unlikely place [a bathroom floor]. Nobody gets alone with God on their knees and fakes it. I prayed for real for the first time. God worked a miracle that night on my music ministry journey. I had been trying to work on my own for 10 years. He broke the chains of alcohol addiction. It was instant. I was free.

In pure joy, I began to tell my Christian wife I had been saved. I was changed [try telling someone who has heard it all before]. Again, His grace is sufficient. By continued steps of faith, prayer and daily devotion to His word, in less than 7 days He repaired the relationships I had spent my whole life destroying. We began looking for a church. I was called to First Baptist Church in Lexington, Alabama for a tent revival. There, the pastor expressed they had been praying for an entire year for a worship leader. I agreed to help as an interim until one came. A month later, after various talks about my faith, and a unanimous vote by the congregation, Little Richard’s prophecy that I had completely forgotten came to pass. I was serving the Lord. I began to give my testimony locally and see God work in the hearts of people who were just like me. People were being freed and accepting Jesus! Powerful confirmations came that entire year. That was this past year. I began to read and teach small videos on Facebook live from passages in Acts. Several of the people who watched asked why I didn’t continue with further education because they saw potential in me.

Finally, a member of the worship team came forward and confirmed my calling externally as I had already been feeling the call internally. I feel my call to be a small group leader as well as a music minister so strongly. The problem with further education now on my music ministry journey is that I had lost everything in the battle with addiction. My wife and I still currently live with my parents as we work diligently to recover and reestablish ourselves financially. My favorite pleasure in reading the word is when the passage says something and then drops what I affectionately refer to as the “but God” bomb. He always makes a way! I thought I would never have this opportunity, “but God” provided me with Christian Leaders Institute. So I praise Him and thank Him for it! I want to effectively disciple believers in an easily reproducible way. By the time I finished the first course [a day and a half], I was equipped with that knowledge already! I can’t wait to finish the program and pray that God makes a way for our local church to set up a mentor center!

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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