Ministry Training Call

Ministry Training Call

My name is Esnath Dolobo and I have a ministry training call in my life. I was born on the 10th of November in 1975 in Zimbabwe. I currently live in Nuenen a village in the Netherlands. I am the first child of a family of three, two girls and a boy. I lost my sister in 1998. I also have three half-brothers and seven half-sisters. I am a single mother of two girls and a boy due to divorce since 2012. I work as a household care assistant in the Netherlands where I am residing. I attend Cornerstone Baptist Fellowship in Eindhoven.

I accepted Jesus as my Lord and personal Savior in 2000 just two months after being in the Netherlands. From then on God has been using me both in and outside the church for the salvation of His people, and to influence others for Jesus. I have lived in different cities here in the Netherlands and in most cases I have found myself joining churches that were still at the foundation and it has given me the opportunity to work alongside leaders who confirm that I have a calling of the Lord because of the manner in which God uses me as I work with them in serving our Lord Jesus Christ.

I have a gift of warfare in prayer and God uses me as well in that area. From 2003 to 2005 I found myself leading a Bible study as well as prayers on a weekly basis to a group of fellow foreigners in Oude Pekela a village in the northern part of the Netherlands because there was no church. Miracles happened in that group to the glory of God. A lady who was a drug addict was set free through those weekly prayer meetings and gave her life to Christ. A Muslim young man also converted to Christianity through that same fellowship. A young girl of fifteen, who was worshipping Satan in her country of birth, confessed and gave her life to Jesus. These are but a few of what the Lord did then. Lives changed, yet I had zero experience in the Lord. It is indeed the Holy Spirit who does the work of God in us (John 16:12-15).

Jesus is my passion. I want to know Him more and to be used more by Him. That is why I enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute. When I lead people to Christ or pray with them, we see tremendous results and we then want more. But that is where the problem of the lack of ministry training suffocates the work of God. In that case, I experience blockage because of lack of ministry training. Through my ministry training call, I want to be able to successfully deliver the Word of God. Passion alone is not enough to complete the work of the Lord.

My dream is to acquire the required ministry training in order to effectively spread the Word of God to the lost. Our Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 28:18-20 that after converting people to Him, we should give them the necessary training according to His command. Secondly, I would like to make use of the CLI tools for Bible study and ministry training for others since I learned that they can be made available to ministers to use for training purposes. I love what I learned about reproducing Christian culture as well as the lessons on mentorship.

I am thankful to God for CLI and how it has helped me in my ministry training call. I have already learned some exciting tools even through this Getting Started Class. I pray to receive a scholarship for further ministry training in Jesus’ name. God bless you all at CLI and God bless the partners who are contributing to making this course available to those who are called by our Lord Jesus Christ. May the reward mentioned in Psalms 112 be your portion in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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