Ministry Schooling Dream

Ministry Schooling Dream

My name is Ashley and I have a ministry schooling dream. I live in southeastern Wisconsin in the United States. I live on a small hobby farm with my husband, two children and one more on the way. I was born and raised in a Catholic family and had what I considered a very strong faith until I miscarried our first child. My life was shattered and I traveled down a dark path for a long time.

Fast forward several years when I was brought to my knees facing losing my family, and the Lord moved. He reached out and saved my life. I was a police officer and had been for over a decade but now had a strong calling to leave my position and stay at home with my children. After several years of praying and searching for the right time and opportunity, God literally dropped His plan for our lives in my lap. I was hired to be the part-time director of a pregnancy resource center.

This was huge, I walked away from a significant salary and stepped into the unknown. That is when I found Christian Leaders Institute. God led me to this opportunity, period. Being in full-time ministry, staying home with my children, reaching out to women in crisis pregnancies, and sharing my faith through my newly started Christian Blog, I knew I was going to need to deepen my own walk with God.

The fact that this ministry training program is being offered free of charge was an amazing blessing that I honestly had a hard time believing until I dove in. I am looking forward to the challenges ahead and am so grateful for this opportunity! Studying at CLI will allow me to reach other women right where they are, strengthen my marriage, and help me to raise up my own children in the faith.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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