Journey to Christian Leaders Institute

My Journey to Christian Leaders Institute

My name is Mosele Caroline Mbono, and here is my journey to Christian Leaders Institute. I am from Johannesburg, South Africa. I am a woman, married with four children. A Nurse by profession, I am not practicing at the moment.

Before I Became a Christian

My aunt was always sick. According to our culture, they believed that an ancestral calling to be a traditional healer was hrs. As a child close to her, I helped her with her work as a healer. However, deep inside of me, I had a feeling that it was not a good deed.

I married at the age of 21 into a very abusive relationship. Four years later, we had tried almost everything in our powers, but I could not become pregnant with a child. Therefore, since I could not have children, my ex-husband opted to divorce me.

God Became Real to Me

A year after the divorce, I met someone new. Within a year, I became pregnant. However, tragically, he was murdered when I was only two months into the pregnancy. I realized that my situation was not ordinary. I realized that I needed God. So, I started committing myself to God and walking with God.

I am now serving under a prophet and working as a pastor though not yet ordained. These free courses at the Christian Leaders Institute are beneficial. I cannot afford to pay for courses myself. The only working person in the house is my husband, and we have four children to look after. I appreciate all the ministry training and scholarship. Free training at CLI makes it possible for us to fulfill the calling of God in us. Shalom.

Are you interested in a credible online ordination? Check out the Christian Leaders Alliance. If you are looking for a low-cost degree, check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School

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