Immigrant Free Ministry Training

Immigrant Free Ministry Training

My name is Mildred Eshun. I currently live in New York. My father lives in New York and my mother lives in Ghana. I migrated to the United States last year to live with my father. I am a Ghanaian. I completed Cape Coast Polytechnic in 2010 and I studied HND in Tourism in the Central Region of Ghana, West Africa.I am currently a home health aide in Long Island, New York.

I served in a local church of a small congregation of about 30 people in Ghana. Since I migrated to the United States, I am serving in a local Church here since my mother Church is only in Ghana and does not have branches outside the country. I intend to open a branch here with time as the Lord gives me the green light to start.

Growing up as a young woman, we always went to the local Pentecost church. My mom took us to church every Sunday and she made sure that no one stays home on a Sunday without going to church. I was really into the things of God from a tender age because of the gift of singing that God has blessed me with. I was always present at crusades grounds, church services and rehearsals. But all these times I had not yet accepted the Lord Jesus as my Lord and personal savior. I was just a church goer. I finally accepted the Lord as my savior when I want to high school. I will really loved that experience when I finally joined the scriptural union. I had water and Holy Ghost baptism at high school.

But everything turned around when I started Tertiary education, I joined bad friends so I started making wrong decisions, sleeping around with married men, young men and women at the same time, drinking alcohol and going to the club. My family had no idea of what I was doing because I was on campus.

I had always had an inner conviction of the call of God on my life. I had dreams to confirm the call right at a tender age. In 2011, the Holy Spirit captured my heart back to the Lord and has made the calling of God on my life so clear to me. My dream is to be a pastor, share the word, win many souls to the kingdom and see many lives blessed by my ministry. I dream to become a trained Christian leader within my community. The Lord delivered me from all my past bad behaves so I want to be used by God to save and deliver others too who are in that same situation.

My pastors ( both in Ghana, my mother church and the one here in the States) has been very instrumental in my growth, they always give me an opportunity to preach on Sundays, Fridays and anytime there is a program in or outside the church.

I had always wanted to enroll in a Bible school but I have always struggled with tuition since 2011 when I released I had the call; this has made me search for free lectures on the internet until one time the Lord revealed CLI.

My scholarship will help me build my knowledge of the gospel and also be more confident when sharing the word. It will also enable me to be recognized as a trained Christian leader through my certificates and diplomas eventually in ministry.

Please, pray for me so that my ministry dream will be fulfilled.

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