Bring Revival To Liberia - Lawrence's Story

Christian Leaders Institute’s student Lawrence Yeanay enrolled to Bring Revival To Liberia by gaining a formal ministry education 100% free of cost. Here is his story…

Bring Revival To Liberia – Lawrence’s Story

My name is Lawrence S. Yeanay; I am from Liberia, Nimba County, Ganta city. I was born unto Mr. Nya Yeanay and Ma yah Flymo on July 2, 1986. I live in Karnplay with My wife Ruth Yeanay and two Girls Children. I graduated from high school in 2006. Later in 2007 I got born again through the influence of one Apostle Philip B. Martin. With out any help and founds to forward my education, I moved to live with the Apostle and his family in their home so as to have more time to focus on the things of God and to Learn more about the Bible. By the grace of God this year may 2015, I was browsing the Internet I God directed me to the web site of the school to enable me get more training for the work of the ministries. 1. My ministry Goal is to help bring revival in my country since we came from a 14 years of war, and most of our citizens are not spiritually transform. 2. It is very easy to do ministry in our Country since according to our history we were founded on a Christian principal and further more, we have majority calling on the Name of Jesus than Mohammed.

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