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My name is Marlisse Hardamon and I live in the U.S.A. I spent much of my childhood through my early adulthood living a nightmare. The majority of my early life has been filled with every kind of abuse imaginable, which the evil of man’s heart could perpetrate on another individual. I had been beaten, sexually abused, had rags stuffed in my mouth, and verbally assaulted. Yet none of these acts compare to the internal scars that left in my life to imprison me.

My self-inflicted prison, caused me to participate in extremely at risk behaviors. I took drugs that should have killed me or at the very less left me addicted. I participated in activities that should have got me place behind bars or even ended my life. I even keep company with people, whose life style was based on,”living by the sword, die by the sword.”

It is crazy to believe that this is the life that I lived because I was born in the church. My mother has been an active minister all my life. My godfather was a well respected Bishop. I preached my first unofficial sermon at the age of 7. So, I have been saturated with the Truth of God and His protection of all my life.

Today, I am a licensed minister, serving a congregation of about 300 people. I am the Servant Leader of the New Convert’s Ministry and Community Outreach Ministry where I attend. I am a wife to a wonderful man of God. I have 5 God fearing children. I am a History teacher in the public schools. Like David stated in Psalms 119: 71 (NIV),”It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.

My ministry goal comes from my pain. I desire most is to share the love and mercy of God with those that have been defined as unlovable, unworthy, and undeserving by American standards The child, that because of his/her family situation does not feel like they belong. The women, that is struggling with an issue of blood. The man that is spiritually blind. I want to lead these people to the cross, where they can find connectedness, healing, and sight. But, most of all they can find salvation for their sin sick souls.

I have learned that the culture of America has seeped into many of God’s local churches and infected it with a disease called, “It About Me.” that has decreased its effectiveness to manifest God’s transformative power.

I am seeking training at CLI, so that I develop a walk with God that is reproducible and Biblical based. The training at CLI will help me ensure that what I am sharing with other is rooted and grounded in Biblical truth, not just experience.

Finally, I ask that you join me in prayer, as I ask the Lord to strengthen me for the journey ahead.

1 reply
  1. Ken Nelson
    Ken Nelson says:

    I know you! I have walked with you and even helped you at times–these were times when we let ourselves believe that there was no other way out and we already had the answer! We did not want to look foolish or nerdy or even punkish in front of the peer group we let ourselves get loved by! In their own way, not in God’s way, they loved the fact that if we did not have it, we could get it!! God has blessed every one of us with knowledge; some of us even got childlike Jesus lessons, the Bible says train up a child in the way he should and he/she will not stray far from it. So long as we do not die that way, oh how glorious the story is when we come down out of the tree that Zacheous was in, or get met on the road to Damascus…God is good all the time, all the time God is good!! Paulene experience is valuable…”God’s stop sign for us too often is incarceration.” Bless you little lady, He loves you more than you will ever know…

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