Free Online Christian Training

Free Online Christian Training

Become a strong and authentic leader today. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student’s testimony below who found CLI’s free online Christian training as a tool to renew his the walk with Christ:

I hail from Southwestern Ontario, Canada. Although a ‘first-world’ country, it is becoming increasingly challenging to practice ministry due to increasing self-reliance and ‘enlightenment’ of the population through the focus on higher education. I know this sounds a bit counter-intuitive, but my experience and popular culture has shown me that the more degrees a person has, and the higher education achieved, the more a person believes they can do and figure everything out for themselves with little or no dependence on others, let alone God.

I’ve always been familiar with God, being brought up in a Christian home, but I began my personal relationship with God more in my adult years after becoming a parent and losing a number of close family members. I believe it took those experiences for me to realize I really didn’t have all the answers, nor the power to control every aspect of my life. I also had the benefit of learning some hard lessons through some experiences that quite frankly made me angry at God. However; only as time passed did I realize that God had a direct hand in all the struggles with a plan to build me up and create new, better opportunities for me and my family.

This introductory class with the Christian Leaders Institute has renewed my Bible walk with God, reinforcing the different connections necessary, especially around devotions and studying the Bible while reminding me of my role and responsibility as the spiritual leader of my household.
Of all the options, I would say I identify most with the title “Small Group Leader”, as my passion is focused on building other leaders and mentors that will lead others using Christ’s example, showing believers and non-believers alike the benefits of seeking to be a disciple of Christ. This is something I want to pursue as I see far too many leaders that are too selfish and focused on protecting themselves at the cost of others.

A unique challenge here in Canada is the cultural popularity to promote everything that is not related to the Christian faith and treat Christian believers as an oppressive force that must be shut down and penalized all in the name of pluralism of all except for the Christian Church.

My local church is actually a church plant itself, focused on reaching the unchurched and de-churched in the community. I have been regularly encouraged to explore ministry as a bi-vocational leader and have been given opportunities to take a leadership role within the Church itself.

A scholarship at CLI would assist me in exploring more focused biblical studies without putting undo pressure on my family’s limited resources as well as allow me to study at my own pace while working full-time.

The prayers I would ask for are not necessarily for me, but for all those in Canada, and the world, that has not seen the light of Christ, or have been mistreated by those calling themselves Christian, and that they see what Christ has done and is doing for those that seek to be disciples, not just Christians.

Check out more stories about students using CLI’s free online Christian training to become strong and authentic leaders in Christ on the CLI facebook page

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